Recipes from the 1800's (2024)

The following recipes were taken from old Willimantic/Windham newspapers and are ROUGHLY divided into the following categories:

Fish and Seafood
Meat and Poultry
Soups & Stews


HUCKLEBERRY BISCUIT (TWJ Aug 7 1863) - Having tested and tasted the article made from the following receipt, we pronounce it not bad to take, and we recommend housekeepers to try it: 6 tumblers of flour, 4 of huckleberries, 2 of sour milk, a piece of butter the size of an egg rubbed into the flour, half a cup of brown sugar, a large teaspoonful of saleratus, and a teaspoonful of salt.

SALLIE'S BISCUITS (TWC Jun 2 1880) - Three good-sized potatoes, boiled and mashed fine, one tablespoon sugar, one-half pint boiling water. When cool add one cup yeast, let it rise till light, then add one quart water and flour to knead; knead half an hour and set it to rise light again before baking.

HOT CROSS BUNS (TWC Aug 25 1880) - Take two cups of milk, three of sugar, two eggs, half teaspoonful soda, half a cup of yeast, a little nutmeg and flour to make stiff enough to roll; let it stand over night; in the morning roll out small, set them close together in a pan, let them stand and rise again and bake in a moderate oven.

BUNS (TWC Oct 27 1880) - One cup of milk, one cup of sugar, one cup of yeast, flour to make a batter. Let it rise over night, then add one-half cup of melted butter, a cup of sugar, flour to knead it, and let it rise again, then roll and cut into cakes, and let it rise again.

UNFERMENTED BREAD (TWE Nov 11 1879) - It is a question often asked, why bread baked in Edinburgh should be so much better than the London bread, and the produce of the French ovens so much better than either. Others we have heard remark, that there is no bread equal to the Belgian. Now, supposing the flour to be the same in all, there can be no doubt that the difference must be ascribed to the variable qualities of the yeast employed in the different countries. But the circ*mstance has become a philosophical question; and, for the future, it is the fault of the inhabitants of the least favored yeast district if they do not obtain bread quite as good as their neighbors. This can be easily managed, by not using yeast at all, but such of its constituents readily procured from the next chemist, on which its fermenting property depends; and this application of science to domestic purposes will, we believe ere long, become generally acted upon. The formula given is as follows: -- Take of flour 3 pounds avoirdupois; bicarbonate of soda in powder, 4 drachms; hydrochloric or muriatic acid, 5 fluid drachms; water about 26 fluid ounces; common table salt, 3 drachms. Bread made in these proportions contain nothing but flour, salt and water; for the proportions of soda and muriatic acid used are those which chemically combined, make common salt. The ingredients should be well mixed together; the soda and flour first, which is best done by passing the former through a fine sieve, and stirring it well into the flour with the hand; the salt should be next dissolved and added to the acid (a wooden or glass rod being used to mix them); the whole should be thrown together, and kneaded as thoroughly and speedily as possible. The dough thus made should be baked in long tins, and is sufficient to make two loaves. About one hour and a half is required in baking. This bread is well tasted, lighter, and more digestible than bread baked with yeast and is less acesent. There cannot be a question that the unyeasted bread is [unreadable word] to be depended on for the sick chamber or the use of the dyspeptic and must, of course, be more safe and wholesome for the public at large.

CORN BREAKFAST CAKE (TWJ Dec 19 1862) - A housekeeper contributes the following to the American Agriculturist, with a sample of the result for the editor, which he pronounced "not bad to take:" The writer says: 'My cook, Kate, is to be credited with the mixture if you like it:" Mix well by sifting, 1 pint Indian meal, 2 teaspoonful wheat flour, 1 tablespoonful sugar, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 teaspoonful soda, and two teaspoonful cream of tartar. Mix rapidly and thoroughly with 1 pint sweet milk, 1 beaten egg and butter the size of an egg. Bake in a shallow pan twenty minutes, in a hot oven.

JOHNNY CAKE (TWE Nov 11 1879) - Take two large cups of meal, one cup of flour, and one cup of sour milk, one egg, one tablespoonful of molasses, and a teaspoonful of saleratus, dissolved; mix thoroughly, add sufficient sweet milk to cause the batter to spread in the pan; then bake quickly in a well heated oven.

CALIFORNIA CAKE (TWC Aug 18 1880) - One pint of flour, one pint of Indian meal, one pint of milk, two eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, two spoonfuls of cream of tartar, four tablespoonfuls of sugar, small piece of butter. Mix the eggs and milk together, add sugar and butter, well beaten, then flour and Indian meal, a little at a time, alternately; mix the cream of tartar in the flour, and the soda in a little of the milk. Bake in pans, and serve hot for breakfast or tea.

CORN PUFFS (TWC Nov 17 1880) - Scald five tablespoonfuls of Indian meal, and when hot add a lump of butter the size of an egg; when cold, add two eggs beaten separately, two cups of sweet milk and eight tablespoonfuls of wheat flour.

CRULLERS (TWC Oct 27 1880) - Two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, three eggs three cupsful of flour, one cupful sweet milk, a small teaspoonful cream of tartar in the flour, a small half teaspoonful of soda in the milk; one tablespoonful cinnamon and nutmeg; mix smoothly, roll and cut in any design, and boil in hot lard.

DOUGHNUTS (TWC Oct 27 1880) - Heat one quart of new milk, but do not let it boil; add two teacupfuls of lard and three cupfuls the same size of sugar, either white or a light brown; when well melted, stir in one cupful of yeast and enough flour to form a thick sponge. Beat long and well, and when the mass seems light and full of bubbles stir into it the well-beaten yolk and white of one egg. When light, work well and let it rise again; then roll and cut into shape; boil in hot lard until brown.

DOUGHNUTS (TWC Nov 17 1880) - Two eggs, one and a half cups of sugar, nutmeg; stir this in a quart bowl with buttermilk; two teaspoonfuls of saleratus dissolved in boiling water, and two cups of flour sifted in; bake in sheets.

EGG DUMPLINGS (TWC Apr 13 1881) - Make a batter of a pint of milk, two well beaten eggs, a teaspoonful of salt, and flour enough to make a batter as
thick as for pound cake. Have a clean saucepan of boiling water, let the water boil fast, drop in the batter by the tablespoonful (four or five minutes will boil
them), taken them with a skimmer on a dish, put in a bit of butter and grated nutmeg, with sirup or butter over.

SIMPLE AND DELICIOUS MUFFINS (TWC Apr 7 1880) - One quart flour, one teaspoonful salt, half gill yeast, one pint warmed milk, less two tablespoonfuls; mix at night, and beat until light; in the morning drop the well-risen dough in buttered cups.

RICE MUFFINS (TWC Sep 29 1880) - Boil the rice soft and dry. Take one-half cup of rice, stir in three spoonfuls sugar, piece of butter size of an egg, and a little salt. One pint sweet milk, one cup yeast, two quarts flour. Let it rise all night. If sour in the morning add a little soda dissolved in milk, and bake in muffin-rings.

PANCAKES (TWC Sep 7 1881) - Beat up three eggs and a quart of milk; make it up into a batter with flour, a little salt, a spoonful of ground ginger, and a little grated lemon peel; let it be of a fine thickness and perfectly smooth. Clean your frying pan thoroughly, and put into it a good lump of dripping or butter; when it is hot pour in a cupful of batter,and let it run all over of an equal thickness; shake the pan frequently that the batter may not stick, and when you think it is done on one side, toss it over; if you cannot, turn it with a slice, and when both are of a nice light brown, lay it on a dish before the fire; stew sugar over it, and so do the rest. They should be eaten directly, or they will become heavy.

APPLE PANCAKES (TWC Nov 10 1880) - To an ordinary batter made with a quart of milk and four eggs, add six or eight apples, peeled and chopped fine. The batter should be made thicker than usual, as the juice of the apples in cooking thins it. Make these cakes of large size and make them on a hot griddle. Serve them hot, laying one of them on top of the other, with mixed powdered sugar and cinnamon spread between.

BUCKWHEAT CAKES (TWC Dec 22 1880) - One quart of buckwheat, one teaspoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of Indian meal, one of molasses; put in tepid water to make a batter, with yeast sufficient to make them light; compressed is the best.

ROLLS (TWC Nov 10 1880) - Two quarts of flour, one half cup of sugar, a piece of butter or beef drippings the size of an egg. Scald one pint of sweet milk, and let it cool; then make a hole in the middle of the flour and pour in the milk and a half cup of yeast, and a teaspoon of salt. Set to rise in a warm place through the night until very light. Knead it and let it rise again. When well risen cut the rolls half an inch thick, shape round, spread on each round a little melted butter, and double over so that the roll is a half-circle; then let it rise very light, and bake. Place the rolls in contact in the baking pan, so that they may keep in shape.

ENGLISH STUFFING FOR TURKEY (TWC Dec 10 1879) - Take equal parts of ham, beef suet, grilled chestnuts and mushrooms, and one or two onions; chop them all very finely, and pound them in a mortar. Season with grated nutmeg, pepper, salt and powdered thyme; then add some minced parsley and as much bread crumbs soaked in milk as you have of ham and suet together. Work into the mixture as many yolks of eggs as may be necessary, and stuff the turkey.

STUFFING FOR VEAL (TWC Nov 10 1880) - Chop half a pound of suet, put it into a basin with three-quarters of a pound of bread crumbs, a teaspoonful of salt, a quarter of pepper, a little thyme, three whole eggs, mix well. A pound of bread crumbs and one more egg may be used; it will make it out firmer.

MILK TOAST (TWC Sep 29 1880) - Cut your bread rather thick, about three-quarters of an inch, allowing a slice for each person; toast it quickly before a bright fire to a rich brown; dip lightly into boiling water; butter each slice and pile in the bowl it is to be served in; for five persons take a quart of milk, boil with a teaspoonful of salt, and when at the full boil add a heaping tablespoonful of butter, creamed with a light one of flour; stir the milk until it is as thick as cream; pour over the toast and serve immediately.

RICE WAFFLES (TWC Jan 5 1881) - Beat together a pint of milk, the yolks of three eggs, two ounces of butter and half a teacup of thoroughly boiled rice, sprinkle a little salt and a half teaspoonful of soda into a pint of flour, and then sift it in. Beat thoroughly and bake in waffle irons.

GERMAN PUFFS (TWC Mar 3 1880) - One pint of milk, four eggs; five spoonful of flour; bake in cups fifteen or twenty minutes. Beat butter and sugar till they are light, and you will have a nice sauce for the puffs.

WHITE MOUNTAIN ROLLS (TWC Oct 26 1881) - Sixteen cups of flour, half cup of sugar, cup of butter, cup of yeast, the white of four eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, and four cups of boiling milk; melt the butter and sugar in the milk, have the milk blood warm, and mix the bread, adding the whites of eggs after mixing in part of the flour, knead stiff said let rise in a warm place over right. In the morning knead into rolls, and let rise till light; rub the beaten white of an egg over the tops of rolls, and bake thirty minutes.

EXCELLENT RUSK (TWC Nov 2 1881) - Make a thick batter of a quart of new milk, a half cup of good yeast and flour to thicken. When very light add a cup of butter rubbed to a cream, two cups of white sugar and three eggs well beaten; add flour to make a soft dough. Knead and set to rise for three or four hours, then make into biscuit and let stand until light and puffy. You may glaze just before you take from the oven with a little cream and sugar or the white of an egg, or make thin icing; flavor with lemon and brush over the rusk when cool.

JOHNNY CAKE (TWC Nov 16 1881) - Take one quart of buttermilk, one teacup of flour, two-thirds of a cupful of molasses, a little salt, one tablespoonful of saleratus, one egg (beaten of course). Then stir in Indian meal, but be sure and not put in too much. Leave it thin--so thin that it will almost run. Bake in a tin in any oven, and tolerably quick. If it is not first-rate and light, it will be because you make it too thick with Indian meal. Some people prepare it without the molasses.

JOHNNYCAKE (TWC Nov 30 1881) - One cup sweet milk, one cup wheat flour, one and one-half cups corn meal, one tablespoonful sugar, one egg, butter half the size of an egg, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one-half a teaspoonful soda, a little salt. Bake in a tin about four inches by eight inches.

BROWN BREAD BISCUIT (TWC May 3 1882) – One pound of coarse brown flour or oatmeal flour, two ounces of butter, a little water. Make the butter and water boiling hot and add both to the flour, keeping the paste firm; roll it out, cut it into biscuits and bake it for ten minutes in a quick oven.

FRENCH ROLLS (TWC Jul 16 1882) – Take one pound of flour, add a large teaspoonful of best baking powder, with a pinch of salt, thoroughly rub in two ounces of butter, and mix with warm milk into a light dough; bake immediately.


A GOOD PLAIN CAKE (TWC Mar 2 1881) - Take six ounces of ground rice, the same of flour, the yolks and whites of nine eggs beat separately, one pound of loaf sugar well pounded. Whisk the sugar and eggs for nearly an hour, then add the rice and flour. Butter well some white paper and put round it and over the bottom of the tin it is to be baked in, and bake in a slow oven. Run a knife into it; if it comes out clean it is baked enough.

PLAIN RICH CAKE (TWC Oct 12 1881) - Mix with one-half pound of ground rice one-half pound of pounded sugar and the grated rind of half a lemon, whisk thoroughly two large eggs, whites and yolks together; mix these with the other ingredients and bake in buttered tin. This cake is best eaten fresh, after about three days it becomes dry, as it contains no butter; but for using it once it is nice and inexpensive.

IMPERIAL CAKE (TWC Mar 9 1881) - This is a rich cake and a very delicious one. Cream together a pound of the best butter and a pound of white sugar. Then add eight eggs - yolks and whites beaten separately - a pound of raisins, stoned and chopped, one-half pound blanched almonds and quarter pound of citron- both thinly sliced - a little mace and a pound of sifted flour. Bake in a steady oven and be sure the cake is thoroughly done.

YEAST CAKE (TWC Jan 14 1880) - Three cups of soft dough after it has raised, three eggs, two cups of sugar, one cup of butter, two-thirds cup of raisins, one-half teaspoonful cinnamon and allspice, one-third of a nutmeg, two tablespoons of milk. Add flour to make as stiff as stirred cake. Mix all together, place your baking tins in a warm place till light, bake half an hour.

SUPERIOR SPONGE CAKE (TWC Jun 2 1880) - One pound of sugar, sifted; half pound of flour, rind of a lemon, grated, with the juice. Beat the yolks very light and mix them well with the sugar; add the lemon; beat them well together; add the whites, beaten stiff; shake the flour in very gently--should not be stirred when the flour is well mixed. If in one pan, two hours, if in two pans, one and a half hours.

SPONGE CAKE (TWC Oct 27 1880) - Three coffee-cupfuls of flour, the same quantity of white sugar, nine eggs and one lemon. Beat the yolks and sugar lightly together, add the juice of the lemon and a small portion of the finely-grated rind; mix thoroughly into the flour half a teaspoonful of cream of tartar; mix this well also. To the yolks and sugar now add half of the beaten whites; ad then all the flour and the remainder of the beaten white.

CHEAP SPONGE CAKE (TWC Sep 14 1881) - Three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of water and a teacupful of sugar mixed together; a teacupful and a half of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and a pinch of salt stirred thickly in; season with a teaspoonful of essence of vanilla, or half a lemon; bake in a quick oven. it can be baked in jelly-cake pans, and have pastry cooks' cream, lemon, icing, or chocolate between.

FEATHER CAKE (TWC Nov 24 1880) - Beat to a cream one-half a cup of butter, add to it two of sugar and beat well together; one cup of milk with one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in it; beat well together; then add one cup of sifted flour with two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar previously rubbed into it; add next the well-beaten yolk of three eggs, beat the whites separately until stiff, add them and then two more cups of flour; beat well between each successive addition; butter two middle-sized tins, put in the cake and bake for twenty minutes or half an hour in a moderate oven.

JELLY CAKE (TWC Oct 13 1880) - Two cupfuls of sugar, three eggs, two-thirds cupful of butter, one cupful of sweet milk with a half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in it, three cupfuls of flour, with one teaspoonful of cream tartar sifted through it, a little salt, and essence of lemon or almonds; spread half of this in two square or oblong pans and bake. To the remaining half add a tablespoonful of molasses, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, a half teaspoonful each of cloves and allspice, a little nutmeg, a tablespoonful of flour, a cupful of raisins tones and chopped, a quarter of a pound citron sliced fine; pour into two pans of the same kinds as before and bake; lay the sheets together alternating with a little jelly between them, cut up in thin slices for the table. The fruit may be omitted, and you have a handsome marble cake.

CIDER CAKE (TWC Mar 23 1881) - One cup sugar, half a cup of butter, one egg well beaten, one large cup of cider, one teaspoonful of soda, flour sufficient to make it as thick as pound cake. One cup of raisins can be added if desired.

COFFEE CAKE (TWC Dec 10 1879) - One cup of butter, one cup of sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of cold coffee, four or five cups of flour, one pound of raisins (only one and a half cups are necessary). Put the raisins in the coffee. Spice to taste.

COFFEE CAKE (TWC Jul 28 1880) - This is one of the best of plain cakes, and is very easily made. Take one cup of strong coffee infusion, one cup molasses, one cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one egg, and one teaspoonful saleratus. Add spice and raisins to suit the taste, and enough flour to make a reasonably thick batter. Bake rather slowly in tin pans lined with buttered paper.

NUT CAKE (TWC Apr 20 1881) - One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, three cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, three eggs, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one cup of hickory nuts, one teaspoonful vanilla.

A GOOD POUND CAKE (TWC Sep 2 1881) - Take rather more than one pound of flour, one pound currants, one ounce butter, one ounce of loaf sugar, quarter pound mixed peel, eight egs, half a teaspoonful sal volatile, ten drops essence of lemon. Warm the butter a little, then beat it into a cream; add one egg at a time, beating it up well at first; add the sugar, beating that also into ingredients, and then gradually add the flour, mixing it well for more than half an hour.

APPLE FRUIT CAKE (TWC Aug 11 1880) - Soak two cups dried apples over night; in the morning drain and chop fine in chopping bowl; add one cup molasses and let it boil slowly on back of stove three or four hours, until the molasses has thickened; let it cool; add one and one-half cups of brown sugar, one cup butter, half cup sour milk, one tablespoon each of cloves, allspice and cinnamon, one teaspoonful soda, three eggs, three and one-half cups of flour; bake in two square tins or one large five-quart basin; if baked in the latter bake slowly two and a half hours. This will keep six months.

APPLE SHORTCAKE (TWC Oct 27 1880) - Fill a square bread tin three-quarters full of sliced sour apples; make a thick batter of half a cupful of sour cream, half a cupful of buttermilk, one teaspoonful of saleratus, a little salt and flour to make quite stiff--a little stiffer than cake. Turn this over the apples; bake forty minutes, and serve with sauce, or cream and sugar flavored with nutmeg.

SCOTCH CAKE (TWC Apr 27 1881) - Stir to a cream one pound sugar, three-fourths pound butter; add the grated rind and juice of lemon; separate whites and yolks of nine eggs and beat each to a froth; stir into the cake and add one pound sifted flour; stir fifteen minutes, and just before putting into cake-pans, which must be lined with buttered paper, add one pound raisins, spice to taste and bake one hour.

LEMON CHEESE CAKES (TWC May 11 1881) - One pound of loaf sugar pounded, two lemons grated, add the juice strained, quarter of a pound of butter and two eggs; let it simmer on the fire till it is as thick as honey when cold put in a jar, tie down with paper and it will keep a month.

GINGERBREAD (TWC Mar 9 1881) - One cup of molasses, one teaspoon of soda, beaten milk and molasses till white; butter, size of an egg, teaspoon ginger, cinnamon, cloves, salt; one-half cup sour milk in it one teaspoon saleratus or soda.

GINGERBREAD (TWC May 11 1881) - Mix in a large basin one and a half pounds of flour, six ounces of sugar, three ounces of butter, one teaspoonful each of black pepper, cinnamon and cloves, and Jamaica pepper; heat one pound of treacle and beat up three eggs; if they do not moisten the mixture enough add some sweet or butter milk. Mix at night and bake the next morning.

HARD SUGAR GINGERBREAD (TWC Mar 30 1881) - One half cup of butter, the same of cream, two cupfuls sugar, one cupful of sour milk, two eggs, one tablespoonful ginger, one teaspoonful soda, flour enough to roll. Roll half inch thick. Cut in strips three inches wide and six long, with a jagging-iron. Bake in a quick oven.

MOLASSES CANDY (TWC Mar 9 1881) - Two cups of water, one cup of molasses, boil till it commences to thicken, then add a piece of butter the size of an egg, and one half teaspoonful of vanilla. Drop a little in cold water, and if it becomes brittle it is done.

GINGER DROPS (TWC Dec 10 1879) - One half cup of butter, one cup of molasses, one cup of sugar, one cup of cold water, one heaping teaspoonful of soda, ginger and salt to taste. Drop in tins and bake in quick oven.

SHORT CAKE (TWC Jun 9 1880) - Prepare the dough as for biscuit (this followed the recipe for Sallie's Biscuits), only much richer; roll two crusts nearly as thick as for pie crust; put them together, spreading a little butter between them; bake in a quick oven. When done. Place the fruit or preserves between the crusts. When it is not in the fruit season, dried fruit or preserves make a very good substitute.

SNAPS (TWC Sep 29 1880) - Take one cup of molasses, three-quarters of a cup of sugar, one tablespoon each of powdered cloves, cinnamon and allspice. Add these to one-half cup of melted butter and beat in two teaspoons soda, and flour enough to roll. Roll very thin, cut out with a tin cutter and bake in pans in a hot oven.

GINGER NUTS (TWC Nov 3 1880) - A pint of molasses, three-quarters of a pound of butter, three-quarters of a pound of sugar, a teaspoon of soda, two ounces of ginger, a little nutmeg, and cinnamon; flour enough to roll out. Bake in a quick oven.

LEMON CREAM PIE (TWC Mar 3 1880) - One teacup of pulverized sugar, one tablespoonful butter, one egg, one lemon (remove the seeds), one teacup of boiling water, one tablespoonful of corn starch dissolved in cold water; stir the corn starch into the water.

FLOATING ISLAND (TWC Mar 16 1881) - Sweeten a pint of thick cream with white sugar, grate in the peel of one lemon; whip it to a froth; pour a pint of thick cream into a china dish, lay sponge cake in thin slices over it lightly, then a layer of some kind of jelly, then pour the whipped cream on top and pour what remains into the bottom of the dish. Garnish the rim with sweetmeats.

LEMON CREAM (TWC May 26 1880) - Take a pint of thick sweet cream, and put to it the yolks of two eggs well beaten, four ounces of fine sugar, and thin rind of one lemon; boil it up; then stir it till almost cold; put the juice of a lemon in a dish or bowl, and pour the cream upon it, stirring it till quite cold.

TAPIOCA CREAM (TWC Jan 14 1880) - Three tablespoonfuls tapioca, put in cold water over night and drain off in the morning; take one quart of milk and let it boil, then add the tapioca and let it boil again. Beat the yolks of three eggs and two-thirds of a cup of sugar together, put this in and let it boil a few minutes longer; turn it out in the dish you serve it in; flavor with lemon. For the frosting, beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and add a little sugar, spread this on the top of your cream; stand in the oven and brown a little; serve cold.

COFFEE CUSTARD (TWC Jun 30 1880) - Mix one egg with a teacup of ground coffee and pour over it one pint of boiling water. Let it boil five minutes, then pour in one cup of cold water and set it back on the range or stove for ten minutes. Strain it off into a saucepan and add one pint of cream. Beat five eggs and one and one-half cups of brown sugar together; pour the boiling mixture over the eggs and sugar, stirring it well, set the whole in boiling water and stir one way until it begins to thicken. Serve in cups to eat cold. If frozen it makes a very delicious ice cream.

LEMON HONEYCOMB (TWC Nov 3 1880) - Sweeten the juice of a lemon to taste, and put it into the dish it is to be served in. Mix white of an egg, beaten with a pint of rich cream and a little sugar. Whisk it, and as the froth rises put it on the lemon juice. Do it the day before it is to be used.

DANISH PUDDING (TWC Apr 27 1881) - One cupful of tapioca, three generous pints of water, half a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of sugar, one tumbler of any kind of bright jelly. Wash the tapioca and soak in water all night. In the morning put on in the double boiler and cook one hour. Stir frequently. Add the salt, sugar and jelly and mix thoroughly. Turn into a mold that has been dipped into cold water, and set away to harden. Serve with cream and sugar.

FLOUR PUDDING (TWC Mar 30 1881) - One cup white sugar, three spoonfuls melted butter, one egg, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one cup of sweet milk, one pint of flour. Flavor to taste, and bake.

PLUM PUDDING FOR THE MILLION (TWE Nov 11 1879) - Take half a pound of flour, half a pound of currants, half a pound of grated carrots, half a pound of grated potatoes, a quarter of a pound of suet, and proper seasoning. Mix them together and boil them an hour and a half. You will then have an excellent plum pudding for a trifle more than a dime. Just try the experiment.

PLUM PUDDING (TWC Jan 14 1880) - Boil and mash well one pound potatoes, one-half pound carrots; when cold and one pound each of flour, currants, and raisins, three-quarters pound raw sugar, eight ounces suet, a little salt, and a nutmeg grated; any other spices and candied peels may be added if approved. Fill your mold very full, tie up closely, and boil four hours; if boiled six hours, the pudding is richer and semi-transparent, and will keep two or three months.

NUREMBERG PUDDING (TWC Jun 9 1880) - Three cups of flour, two-thirds of a cup of suet chopped fine, one cup of molasses, one cup of stoned raisins, one cup of sour milk and one teaspoon of soda in the milk. Mix well, and put into a buttered tin basin, then into a steamer, and steam for three hours. When done, you can try it by running a straw through it. Set it into a hot oven for five or ten minutes.

SCOTCH PUDDING (TWC Dec 22 1880) - In a quarter of a pint of cold milk stir two ounces of finely-ground oatmeal; mix thoroughly; then add to this a pint of boiling milk; sweeten with white sugar while on the fire, but do not let the mixture boil; in order to thicken it, stir in about two ounces of dry bread crumbs; as the milk and oatmeal cools it ought to be thick; take two eggs and beat together white and yellows, which mix with the oatmeal; flavor with nutmeg or cinnamon; butter a pudding-dish and bake slowly for an hour; a few currants, or some seeded raisins improve it.

OLD-FASHIONED TAPIOCA PUDDING (TWC Apr 7 1880) - Two eggs, one quart milk, one cup tapioca; spices of nutmeg and cinnamon to taste; also sugar and bit of salt and small teaspoonful of butter, melted. Wash and soak the tapioca in very little water till rather tender; then put it in the milk, and place on back of the stove and soak one hours; then melt butter in dish and pour in the beaten eggs, milk well sweetened, and spice; bake on hour quite slowly.

INDIAN SUET PUDDING (TWC Nov 3 1880) - One-half pound suet chopped fine, one cup molasses, one pint milk, one egg, meal to make a very thin batter, one teaspoon ground cloves, one teaspoon ground cinnamon, one teaspoon salt, a little nutmeg, a few currants or chopped raisins. Boil or steam three hours. Sauce.

CHOCOLATE PUDDING (TWC May 4 1881) - One quart of sweet milk, three ounces grated chocolate. Scald the milk and chocolate together; when cool, add the yolks of five eggs and one cup sugar. Bake about twenty-five minutes; beat the whites for the top; brown in the oven; eat cold.

TAPIOCA (TWC Apr 27 1881) - Tapioca is a nutritious and easily-digested article of diet, and it and the rice are both especially adapted to accompany the fruit diet for prospective mothers. A favorite way of cooking tapioca is to soak a teacupful over night, or several hours, in a quart of water, then add a pint of rich milk, a little salt, and cook by putting it in a tin pail with tight cover and setting the pail in boiling water; let it boil an hour; sometimes add raisins. Serve either hot or cold, with cream and sugar or fruit.

GERMAN TRIFLE (TWC Jun 2 1880) - Put one quart of strawberries, or any other fresh fruit, in the bottom of a glass dish; sugar the fruit, cover it with a layer of macaroons, pour over it a custard made with one quart of milk and the yolks of seven eggs, well beaten; sweeten to your taste; when cold, place on the top the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, with a little sugar.

DREAM SHERBET (TWC Aug 25 1880) - Put the yolks of six eggs and a dessert spoonful of vanilla into two quarts of cream. Place on the fire in a stew-pan and let it come to a boil, then strain. Add three-fourths of a pound of loaf sugar and stir until dissolved. When cold set on ice or freeze as ice cream.

FRUIT OR JELLY PUDDING (TWC Oct 19 1881) - Yolks of four eggs, one cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one cup of fruit or any kind of preserves. Use mostly jelly and fruit mixed; bake in pastry, make a meringue of the whites, spread over after the pies are done and set back in the oven to brown. This makes to two pies.

ORANGE PIE (TWC Oct 19 1881) - Grate the rind of one and use the juice of two large oranges, beat the yolks of four eggs very light into two tablespoonfuls of butter and one heaping cupful of sugar, and put to the juice; add a little nutmeg. Beat all well together. Cover the pie-dish with a thick paste, and pour this mixture into it, and bake in a quick oven; when done so it is like a finely-baked custard; add to the whites of the four eggs two tablespoonfuls of white sugar and one of orange juice. Cover this over the pie, and set back into the oven till a light brown.

FRUIT CAKE (TWC Oct 26 1881) - One cup of butter, two of brown sugar, one of molasses, one of strong coffee, four and one-half cups flour, four eggs, two teaspoons of soda, two of cinnamon, two of cloves, two of mace, one pound of raisins, one of currants, one-quarter of citron. Bake in layers and put together with icing. Be careful to cut paper for each pan before putting in the mixture. Leave out the currants if you like.

VELVET PUDDING (TWC Nov 2 1881) - Take five eggs and beat them separately, then add one cup of sugar to the yolks. Take four tablespoonfuls of corn starch dissolved in a little cold milk, and add this to the yolks and sugar; boil three pints of milk and add the other ingredients while boiling; remove from the fire when it becomes quite thick; flavor with vanilla, and pour into a baking dish; beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add half a cup of fine white sugar, turn this over the pudding and place in the oven and let brown slightly. To be eaten with sauce made of the yolks of two eggs, one cup of sugar, tablespoonful of butter; beat well, add one cup of boiling milk, set on the stove until it comes to a boiling heat; flavor with vanilla.

PRINTER'S PUDDING (TWC Nov 9 1881) - One cup of suet chopped fine, two eggs, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, one cup of milk, one cup of raisins, one cup of currants, one half of a nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and flour enough to make a batter. Boil for two hours.

VERMICELLI PUDDING (TWC Nov 9 1881) - Two ounces of vermicelli, three-quarters of a pint of milk, quarter of a pint of cream, one ounce and a half of butter, two eggs, one ounce and a half of sugar; boil the vermicelli in the milk until tender, then stir in the remaining ingredients; butter a small tart dish and bake.

LADIES' FINGERS (TWC Nov 9 1881) - The following recipe for ladies' fingers is an excellent one: Take one pound of pulverized sugar, one dozen eggs, three-quarters of a pound of flour. Beat the yolks and sugar to a cream, then beat the whites, and lastly stir in the flour; flavor with lemon. Bake in long, small tins made expressly for these little cakes, or you may drop them on white writing paper; they are likely in this case, however, to look irregular about the edge. Be careful not to put too much dough in the tin as it will rise a good deal. Have the oven hot and success is certain.

BUTTER-SCOTCH CANDY (TWC Nov 23 1881) - One pound of C sugar, three ounces of butter, put in a stew-pan or kettle, and stir often to prevent burning. Try a little in water; if brittle it is done. Pour out on the top of a battered pan and mark in squares. I think them as good as those you buy. A little grated lemon rind improves the flavor.

COTTAGE PUDDING (TWC Dec 7 1881) - Put a layer of bread crumbs in a pudding dish, then a layer of sliced apples, another of crumbs and apples, finishing with the bread. Strew each layer with a little sugar and a few small pieces of butter. Then take a pint of milk, two eggs and a half cup of sugar, and make a custard and pour over it. Flavor with lemon and bake half an hour.

CHOCOLATE CAKE (TWC Dec 21 1881) - One cup of sugar, tablespoonful of butter, one heaping cup of flour, one teaspoonful of cream tartar sifted in flour, and half a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a tablespoonful of sweet milk. Filling--whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one cup of sugar (pulverized), and three tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate, and vanilla to taste. Bake the cake in jelly-cake tins in three layers, and spread the mixture between and on top. Eat within thirty-six hours after baking.

SNOW CUSTARD (TWC Dec 28 1881) - Use half a package of gelatine, three eggs, one pint of sweet milk, two cups of sugar and the juice of two good-sized lemons. Soak the gelatine in a teacup of cold water; it will need to soak for an hour at least, when it is entirely dissolved add one pint of boiling water and two-thirds of the sugar and lemon juice; let all come to a boil; then take from the stove and pour in the dish in which it is to be carried to the table, or put it in a mold to cool. Make a custard of the milk, eggs and the rest of the sugar and lemon juice. When the gelatine in the mold is ready to serve, put the custard around the base, or cover it entirely with the custard.

LEMON JELLY CAKE (TWC Dec 28 1881) - A delicious lemon jelly cake which will keep well, and which is in fact better after having been kept for a week, is an easily obtained luxury. Take two cups of sugar, half a cup of butter, one cup of milk, three eggs, two and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and three cups of flour. This makes five layers. For the jelly use the grated rind of two large lemons and the juice also, one cup of sugar, one egg, half a cup of water, one teaspoonful of butter, one tablespoonful flour mixed with a little water; boil until it thickens and then place between the layers of cake.

BOILED CUSTARDS (TWC Jan 25 1882) - Scald three pints of milk and pour into four eggs and the yolks of two more beaten with six spoonfuls of sugar and a pinch of salt; pour into a pail and set in a kettle of boiling water, and stir for a minute or two till it thickens; flavor with vanilla and pour into your glasses; beat the whites of the egg to a stiff froth; add three teaspoonfuls of sugar, and when the custards are cold drip a spoonful into each glass.

TEA-CAKE (TWC Feb 8 1882) - Beat two eggs well; add a cupful sugar, and beat; a half-cupful cream; a cupful and a half flour, with a teaspoonful cream tartar and a half-teaspoonful soda sifted though it. Beat well together; add a pinch salt and a little lemon or other flavor. One loaf.

INDIAN CORN PUDDING (TWC Feb 8 1882) - Pour a quart of boiling milk in half a pint of Indian meal, stirring it all the time. To this add a teaspoonful of salt. Beat up three or four eggs, and when the batter is nearly cold stir them into it. Put the pudding into a cloth or tin mold and boil for two hours. Serve with cream, butter, syrup or any other sauce you please. Maple syrup or golden syrup is very nice.

RICE AND APPLE SOUFFLE (TWC Feb 8 1882) - Boil two tablespoonfuls of rice in half a pint of milk; add, when soft, the yolks of two eggs and sugar to taste; make a wall with it around the sides of the dish. Stew some pared and cored apples until soft, fill the center of the dish with them, fill up the apertures in the apples with candied sweetmeats or jelly, and cover the whole with the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth and sprinkled thick with white powdered sugar. Brown in the oven and serve with cream.

PUFF PUDDING (TWC Mar 29 1882) - Measure eight tablespoonfuls of flour, put it in an earthen dish and warm it in the oven; then stir in one pint of sweet milk, three well-beaten eggs, one teaspoonful of salt; beat the yolks and whites separately. Take six or seven teacups and butter them well, and fill about two-thirds full of the mixture. Bake in a "quick" oven for twenty minutes. For the sauce have one cup of hot water, six tablespoonfuls of sugar; let this come to a boil, then add one egg, stir constantly, add a piece of butter the size of an egg and flavor with lemon, vanilla or nutmeg. If you prefer a sour sauce add a tablespoon of vinegar.

DROP CAKES (TWC Mar 29 1882) - Drop cakes for tea call for one cup of butter, half a cup of sour milk, one cup and a half of flour, one cup and a half of raisins, stoned and chopped very fine, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water, three eggs, a pint of salt, grated nutmeg, and other spices or more to suit your taste. Mix well, roll thin, or drop in well buttered tins from a large spoon. Sprinkle granulated sugar over the top before baking them.

BACHELOR’S PUDDING (TWC May 3 1882) – Beat up three eggs, flavor with essence of lemon and grated nutmeg, and add them to four ounces each of finely-minced apples, currents, grated breadcrumbs and two ounces of sugar; mix thoroughly and boil in a buttered mold nearly three hours. Serve with sauces.

BREAD PLUM PUDDING (TWC May 31 1882) – One pound of breadcrumbs, one pound of raisins, one pound of currants, one pint of milk, six eggs, four ounces of butter and one pound of sugar. Pour the boiling milk on the breadcrumbs, cover with a plate and let it remain for an hour; then add the butter, currants, raisins (stoned and cut a little) and the sugar; mix all well together, adding candied fruit, a little grated lemon peel and spice and the eggs well beaten; boil four hours in a buttered basin or mold and serve with sweet sauce. If it be requisite to add a little flour, boil an hour longer.

GINGER SNAPS (TWC Jun 28 1882) – Mix a tablespoonful of ginger and a teacup of butter with a pint of New Orleans molasses. Boil these together for three minutes – no longer – then add a teaspoonful of saleratus and a quarter of a teaspoonful of powdered alum and set aside to cool. When cold work in enough flour to make a stiff dough, roll out very thin, cut small and bake crisp and brown. Keep them in a cool, dray place, and they will remain fresh and crisp a long time.

MACAROONS (TWC Jul 12 1882) – To a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds, take four teaspoonfuls of orange flower water, the whites of six eggs, and one pound of sifted white sugar. Blanch the almonds and pound them with some of the white of an egg; then whisk the whites of an egg and add them gently to the almonds. If these two ingredient are not carefully added they will “oil” or separate. Sift the sugar into the mixture until the whole forms a paste, not too stiff to drop upon white paper, which should be placed on a tin, and the whole baked in a slow oven.

CHEESE CREAM (TWC Jul 12 1882) – Put three pints of milk to a half pint of cream, warm and put in a little rennett; keep it covered in a warm place till it is curdled, then put it in a mould with holes in it and drain about an hour. Serve with cream and sugar.

MOONSHINE (TWC Jul 26 1882) – This dessert combines a pretty appearance with palatable flavor, and is a good substitute for ice cream. Beat the white of six eggs in a broad plate to a very stiff froth, then add gradually six tablespoons of powdered sugar, beating for not less than thirty minutes; then best in about one heaping tablespoon of preserved peaches cut in tiny bits (soft, ripe, fresh fruit is better if you can get it, or some use one cup of jelly). Set on ice until cooled. In serving; pour in each saucer some rich cream, sweetened and flavored with vanilla, and on the cream place a liberal portion of the moonshine. This quantity is enough for eight persons.

CUP CUSTARDS (TWC Jul 16 1882) – One quart of milk, four eggs, one cup of sugar, a salt-spoonful of salt. Boil the milk, beat the eggs with the sugar and salt till very light and add the hot milk slowly. Pour into small cups which have been set in a dripping pan, the rule given making eight tea-cups full. Grate nutmeg over the top of each, pour boiling water in the pan, after it has been set in the oven, and bake slowly testing after the first twenty minutes with a knife blade. The moment it comes out smooth they are done, but the more slowly they bake the more creamy they will be. Eat very cold. If the milk is fresh they will keep two days easily and be better the second one.


POTATO OMELET (TWC Mar 3 1880) - Take five ounces of potatoes mashed, pepper, salt and a little nutmeg; mix in with five eggs previously well beaten separately. Squeeze in a little lemon juice, and fry nicely.

BAKED EGGS (TWC Sep 29 1880) - Beat up six eggs, one tablespoon flour, six of sweet milk; melt a piece of butter in the frying pan; when hot turn the whole in and bake in a very hot oven; to be served as soon as done.

TO BAKE EGGS (TWC Nov 3 1880) - Butter a clear, smooth saucepan, break as many eggs as will be needed into a saucer, one by one. If found good slip into the dish. No broken yolk allowed, nor must they crowd so as to risk breaking the yolk after put in. Put a small piece of butter on each, and sprinkle with pepper and salt, set into a well-heated oven, and bake till the whites are set. If the oven is rightly heated it will take but a few minutes, and is far more delicate than fried eggs.

SWEET OMELETTE (TWC Mar 29 1882) - For four persons take seven fresh eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, put the latter in a deep dish with three ounces of powdered sugar, work it to a stiff batter, add a little essence of any kind. In the meantime have the whites beaten firm and mix all together, but not to excess. Then take a good-sized frying pan, put in about two ounces of best table butter and set over a brisk fire, put in the mixture, shake the pan as for an ordinary omelette and it will rise very fast. As soon as it colors a little on the outside roll out in a dish, sift pulverized sugar over and send to the table.

EGG TOAST (TWC Jul 19 1882) – Beat an egg smooth with half a teacup of rich milk. Dip slices of stale bread in this and fry a nice brown in butter. If for “the men,” add a pinch of pepper and salt to the egg. For children omit these and give them honey or syrup with it. It agrees equally well with meat or fish and fills the place of potatoes when you wish a change.


FISH CAKES (TWC Sep 2 1881) - Cold boiled codfish, either fresh or salt, remove the bones and mince the meat; take two-thirds as much warm mashed potatoes as fish, add a little butter and sufficient beaten eggs or milk to make the whole into a smooth paste, season with pepper, make into cakes about an inch thick; sprinkle them with flour and fry brown in butter.


FRIED APPLES (TWC Mar 23 1881) - Quarter tart apples without peeling; have some nice salt pork frying, or butter if preferred, and lay the apples close together, skin side down; cover till well steamed; then uncover and brown both sides, turning and watching closely to prevent burning.

APPLE FRITTERS (TWC Dec 10 1879) - Peel some apples and cut them in slices; put a little sugar over them and some lemon juice. Let the pieces soak a couple of hours; then dip each piece in flour, and have ready a frying-pan with two inches deep of fat. When hot, put the slices of apple in one at a time, turn over with a slice as they are doing, and serve with powdered loaf sugar.

APPLE FRITTERS (TWC Oct 13 1880) - Cut the apples into rounds as thin as possible, cut out the cores, pare away the skins, put them in a dish, pour over them a wineglassful of brandy, and sprinkle sugar and grated lemon rind over them; let them lie in this for an hour; half fill a good-sized saucepan with clarified dripping; make it quite hot, and when it is still and a blue smoke rises from it, dip each slice separately into the batter, take it out in a tablespoon, and dip it with the batter that is in the spoon with it into the boiling fat; turn it over lightly with a fork, and when the fritter is crisp and lightly brown it is done enough. Put on paper to free it from grease; sift white sugar on and serve.

APPLE CREAM (TWC Aug 25 1880) - Peel and core five large apples; boil them in a little water till soft enough to press through a sieve, sweeten, and beat with them the whites of five eggs. Serve with cream poured around them.

APPLE CREAM (TWC Dec 15 1880) - Weigh three pounds of apples and a half-pound of sugar; peel and core the apples, cut them in thin slices, put them into a porcelain-lined kettle with the sugar, the grated rind and juice of one lemon, and a teaspoonful of ground ginger; simmer all these ingredients slowly until the apple is tender enough to rub through a sieve with a potato-masher; meantime scald a quart of fresh cream, mix the apple pulp with it, beat it thoroughly, and use it either warm or cold.

APPLE SNOW (TWC Oct 27 1880) - Put twelve apples in cold water and set them over a slow fire; when soft drain them, take off the peelings, core them and put them in a deep dish; beat the whites of twelve eggs to a stiff froth, put half a pound of sugar in the apples, beat them light and then beat in the white.

APPLE SNOW (TWC Dec 15 1880) - Peel, core and slice six large apples; stew them to a pulp with sufficient sugar to sweeten them; take them from the fire and beat them smooth; meantime beat the whites of six eggs to a stiff froth, gently mix them with two heaping tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and the apple pulp, and pile the snow thus made in a rough heap on a high dish; a few bits of bright colored jelly, or a row of candied orange or lemon rings, makes the dish look very pretty.

APPLE CHEESE (TWC Aug 25 1880) - Peel and quarter a quantity of apples, stew them with a little water, a good deal of sugar, the thin rind of a lemon and a few cloves, or a stick of cinnamon. When quite done pass them through a hair sieve; and to one quart of the puree thus obtained add half a packet of gelatine, dissolved in water; mix well, pour into a mold, and when set turn it out and serve with a custard poured about it. It is well to remember that the puree must be thoroughly well sweetened and flavored to carry off the insipidity of the gelatine.

APPLE CUSTARD (TWC Sep 29 1880) - Two eggs, six tablespoonfuls sugar, one cup cream; beat the mixture thoroughly and flavor strongly with lemon, unless some other flavoring is preferred. Then take a teacupful of stewed apples, mash them, and add them to the other ingredients; make crust and bake same as egg custards. They are delicious.

APPLE CROUTES (TWC Nov 10 1880) - This simple and dainty little dessert is one taught by Miss Corson: Peel and core the apples and halve them; take half slices of bread, spread thickly with butter and sprinkle with sugar, then lay apple on bread, core side down; sprinkle on more sugar and any kind of spice to taste. Bake.

APPLES STEWED WHOLE (TWC Dec 15 1880) - pare and core some firm, tart apples; arrange them on the bottom of a porcelain kettle, fill the centers with sugar and powdered spice, or grated lemon peel, and pour over them enough syrup to cover them; to make the syrup, boil a pint of water to a pound of sugar, and skim it clear, then take them up without breaking them, and strain the syrup over them; cool them before using.

APPLE PUDDING (TWC Dec 22 1880) - Stew a half dozen large apples into a nice, smooth sauce and add while warm a half tablespoon of fresh butter and sugar enough to make thoroughly sweet. Heat a little butter in the frying pan, and then pour in a cup of breadcrumbs, which must be stirred over the fire until they are pale brown. Then sprinkle these on the bottom and sides of a buttered mold; put three well-beaten eggs and half a teaspoon of lemon juice into the applesauce, then pour it into the mold, strew some of the breadcrumbs over the top and bake fifteen minutes. Turn out on a hot dish and serve with sauce.

BLACKBERRY MUSH (TWC Mon Aug 29 1881) - Two quarts of ripe berries, a quart of boiling water, two cups of white sugar and a little salt. Boil slowly five minutes, then thicken with Graham flour and cook a few minutes longer. Put into a greased mold to cool. Serve with cream.

MARLBOROUGH PIE (TWC Apr 13 1881) - Grate six apples, one cup sugar, three tablespoons melted butter, four eggs, juice and grated rind of a lemon. Bake in an under, but without top crust.

ORANGE FLOAT (TWC Feb 2 1881) - One quart of water, juice of two lemons, one coffee cup of sugar; when boiled add four tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, mix in a little water; let it boil, stirring fifteen minutes; when cool place it over four or five sliced oranges, over the top spread the beaten whites of three eggs sweetened; flavor the whole with vanilla. Eat with cream.

ORANGES AND JELLY (TWC Jun 9 1880) - Cut a small circle in the stalk end of six choice oranges; remove all the pulp and pit with a teaspoon; soak the rinds in cold water half an hour, then scrape them inside again, rinse in cold water, drain and set them in pounded ice; fill them --three with bright colored jelly and three with plain jelly; when quite firm, cut them in quarters and send to the table on an ornamented plate or stand.

PICKLED PEACHES (TWC Aug 25 1880) - Nine pounds of peaches, three pounds of sugar and three quarts of good cider vinegar. Peel the peaches and stick two cloves in each peach, then put them in the sugar and vinegar in a porcelain lined kettle. Cook from five to ten minutes.

SWEET PICKLED QUINCES (TWJ Sep 4 1863) - The most common use of quinces is as sweet preserves. They also answer a good purpose when sliced up and mixed in small quantities with apple-sauce, giving the whole a pleasant, aromatic flavor. They make a good pickle also. Boil in vinegar with sugar, and add cloves, cinnamon, etc., to suit the taste. The best way is to pare and quarter them and cut out the cores. Boil 10 lbs of fruit, adding 5 lbs. of sugar and about 4 pints of vinegar, one ounce of cinnamon and 12 oz of cloves. When well boiled, put in a jar and pour over the syrup.

QUINCE SNOW (TWC Nov 3 1880) - One-third of a pound of quince of marmalade to whites of two eggs and a quarter of a pound of sugar. Pile in a pyramid in a dish, and bake a pale yellow.

BAKED APPLE PUDDING (TWC Nov 2 1881) - Six apples well stewed, quarter of a pound of butter, half of it stirred into the apple while hot; add sugar to taste; when cold add six eggs well beaten to the apple. Pound and sift six crackers, butter your dish and put in a layer of cracker and a layer of the prepared apple, and thus until you have filled your dish; let the cracker be the upper layer and put the remainder of your butter in small bits upon it. Bake half an hour.

APPLE CROUTES (TWC Nov 9 1881) - This simple and dainty little dessert is one taught by Miss Carson: Peel and core she apples and halve them; take slices of bread, spread thickly with butter and sprinkle with sugar, then lay apples on bread, core side down; sprinkle on more sugar and any kind of spice to taste. Bake.

APPLE DUMPLING (TWC Nov 30 1881) - Make crust as follows: Prepare and boil, as for eating, four medium-sized potatoes. When tender mash fine and to two cupfuls of potatoes add the same quantity of sifted flour. Mix together with a chopping knife so as to keep light. Now add a cupful of butter and chop in with knife. Add salt and mix to a paste with very cold water, doing all with the knife. Have apples chopped. Divide the paste, roll into squares, put in the center of each some of the chopped apples, bring the corners together and pinch the edges. Have ready some small square cloths dipped in water and floured on the inside. Put a dumpling into each, leaving room to swell, tie up and boil an hour; serve at once.

PRUNE PUDDING (TWC Dec 21 1881) - One-half pound of prunes boiled, soft and thick; remove the stones and sweeten well; then add the whites of six eggs beaten stiff; chop the prunes fine, then stir in the eggs; put into a dish and bake a light brown. Serve with sweetened cream.

APPLE PUDDING (TWC Dec 28 1881) - Make a paste with equal quantities of sifted flour and finely chopped suet, a pinch of salt and little water. Boil it out thin into a large piece, place this over a well-buttered basin, and push it in so as to line the basin with it; cut it off all round so as to leave enough to fold up. Roll out the trimmings to such a size as to cover the top of the basin. Pare, core and slice a quantity of good sound apples, put them in the basin with brown sugar to taste, and either some chopped lemon peel, two or three cloves or a little grated nutmeg; add a small piece of fresh butter, pack the apples tightly in, put on the cover of pate, turn up the edges and press them down, tie a floured pudding cloth over and put the basin into a saucepan full of boiling water, which should come well over the pudding. Boil from two to three hours, according to size.

APPLE TRIFLE (TWC Jan 25 1882) - Scald as many apples as when pulped will cover the dish you design to use to the depth of two or three inches. Before you place them in the dish add to them the rind of half of half a lemon, grated fine, and sugar to taste. Mix half a pint of milk, half a pint of cream and the yolk of an egg. Scald it over the fire, keeping it stirring, and do not let it boil. Add a little sugar, and let it stand till cold; then lay it over the apples and finish with the cream whip.

BUTTERED APPLES (TWC Mar 29 1882) - Pare a dozen apples, or enough to fill a yellow nappy, and scoop out the cores with a tin cutter. Butter the bottom of the nappy well and put the apples, fill up the cores with pounded sugar and grated lemon peel, and scatter the same over them. Pour a little melted butter over them and bake in the oven till quite soft. Serve with whipped cream.

APPLE FLOAT (TWC May 3 1882) – Pare and core twelve large green apples, boil or bake in as little water as possible, and press through a fine hair sieve when cold; sweeten to taste, add the whites of two eggs well beaten, and then beat the whole together until still. Grate nutmeg over it. To be eaten with cream.

APPLE FRITTERS (TWC May 31 1882) – Peel three large apples, core them with a column cutter and cut them across in slices rather less than half an inch thick; put them in a flat dish with half a tumbler of brandy and strew plenty of powdered loaf sugar over them; let them remain covered for a couple of hours, then take each piece separately, dip it in batter so that it is well covered with it and fry a golden color in plenty of hot lard. Lay the fritters in front of the fire, and when all are done pile them up on a napkin, shake plenty of powdered loaf sugar over them and serve.

SPICED GRAPES (TWC Jun 28 1882) – Five pounds of nice ripe grapes, four pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, two tablespoons each of cloves, cinnamon and allspice. Boil slowly until done.

STEAMED FRUIT PUDDING (TWC Jul 12 1882) – Take two cups of suet, chopped fine, two of boiling hot coffee, two of brown sugar, one-half pound of raisins, chopped fine, one-half pound of currents and one-fourth pound of citron, five cups of flour, and three tea-spoons of baking powder sifted into the flour, one tea-spoon salt; pour into a bag steam three hours; do not lift the cover from the steamer during that time; then serve hot with this dressing. Take two table-spoons of flour, three-fourths cup of sugar, one table-spoon of butter, one pint of hot water; boil all together; add lemon or vanilla flavoring.

APPLE DUMPLINGS (TWC Jul 19 1882) – Apple dumplings are much better if the flour is scalded after rubbing it in a little lard and salt; pour on sufficient boiling water to make a stiff dough; let it cool a little, and then flour your hands and work a piece of the dough until it is large enough to cover the apple; drop in boiling water; eat with butter, cream and sugar.

PICKLED PEARS (TWC Jul 26 1882) – Ten pounds of pears, three pounds of light brown sugar, one quart of vinegar, one ounce of cinnamon, one ounce of cloves (ground); put all together and boil till the pears are tender; skin the pears out and let the syrup boil a half an hour longer.


SPICED BEEF (TWC Jan 5 1881) - Use about four pounds of the flank of beef; wipe it with a clean, damp cloth; rub into it the following spices mixed: One teaspoonful of salt, one saltspoonful each of ground cloves, mace and pepper, and a very little cayenne pepper. Roll it up and tie it in a compact roll. Put it over the fire in boiling water enough to cover it, and boil it slowly for two hours. Remove the strings and use it hot with Sauce Piquante (see Sauce).

SPICED BEEF (TWC Mar 16 1881) - For ten or twelve pounds of beef take one tablespoonful of allspice, six cloves, a piece of mace, pound in a mortar; add a large spoonful brown sugar; rub well into the beef; then rub with saltpeter and salt; turn and rub daily for ten days; then boil for six hours.

SPICED BEEF (TWC Jun 9 1880) - Five pounds of the shank boiled five hours with celery seed. Drain off the gelatine; then chop the meat very fine. Add pepper and salt to suit the taste, and put it into a cloth on a plaster. Cover it with the cloth and press it.

POTTED BEEF (TWC May 4 1881) - Take three pounds of beef well salted, pick out any gristle or skin their may be in it. Pound the meat carefully in a stone mortar with a little butter until it become a fine paste. Season it by degrees as you are beating it with black pepper, allspice, or pounded cloves, mace, or grated nutmeg. Put it in pots, pressing it down as closely as possible, and covering it about a quarter of an inch thick with clarified butter.

SPICED BEEF (TWC Apr 13 1881) - Three or four small slices of pork; fry it till it is a light brown; then put in your raw beef in one piece; let it brown a little on both sides; then cover it with water, and let it stew over a moderate fire for five or six or seven hours; add water as it boils away, so that there will be enough
left when done to make a gravy. About half an hour before it is done salt to your taste, and add one teaspoon whole allspice, a good size stick of cinnamon. When done, take out the meat and thicken the gravy with a little flour smoothed in water.

COLD SPICED BEEF (TWC Sep 28 1881) - A five-pound piece of tender, juicy beef, without fat from the rump or tender side of the round. One pint of cold water, half a pint of vinegar, two teaspoonfuls of ground cloves, one teaspoonful of pepper, two teaspoonfuls of salt, two or three onions; mix the salt and spices well into the beef, press it into a deep dish and pour the vinegar over it; let it stand twenty-four hours in a cool place, turning it occasionally. If it absorbs all the vinegar add more; put it in a stew pan with the water and onions, and let it simmer slowly three or four hours. To be eaten cold. The gravy to be saved for breakfast dishes.

MOCK DUCK (TWC Mar 16 1881) - Take a pound of beefsteak; salt and pepper; prepare a dressing as for turkey; lay in the steak; sew up; lay two or three slices of fat pork upon it and roast; baste often and you cannot tell it from duck.

BEEFSTEAK PIE (TWC Jun 9 1880) - Take cold roast beef, cut it into thin slices about an inch and a half long. Take raw potatoes, peel them, and cut them into thin slices. Have ready a deep dish, lay some of the potatoes at the bottom, and then a layer of beef, and so on till the dish is filled. Season as you would chicken pie, fill it with boiling water cover it with a crust and bake it.

CHICKEN HASH (TWC Jan 5 1881) - This is the proper way to serve for breakfast whatever roast or boiled chicken may be left over from dinner. Mince the cold chicken, but not very fine, and to a cupful of meat add two tablespoonfuls good butter, a half cup of milk, enough minced onion to give a slight flavor, and salt, mace and pepper to taste. Stew it, taking care to stir it, and serve daintily with a garnish of parsley. Every particle of bone must be extracted.

RICE PIE (TWC Dec 10 1879) - To a pint of boiled rice add a pint of rich cream, two eggs, salt and a little mace. Let these ingredients be well mixed, spread half the quantity in a deep baking dish, lay pieces of chicken upon it and cover them with the remainder of the rice, and bake in a hot oven.

RICE CHICKEN PIE (TWC Sep 14 1881) - Cover the bottom of a pudding dish with slices of boiled ham; cut up a broiled chicken and nearly fill the dish; pour in gravy or melted butter to fill the dish; add chopped onion if you like, or a little curry powder, which is better; then add boiled rice to fill all interstices and cover the top thick. Bake it for one-half or three-quarters of an hour.

CHICKEN CROQUETTE (TWC Dec 10 1879) - Two sweetbreads boiled; one teacupful of boiled chicken, hashed; one boiled onion, one teacupful of boiled bread and milk, quarter pound of butter, salt and pepper. Chop chicken and sweetbreads very fine, mix in well the other ingredients, shape into rolls, then dip in the yolk of an egg, then in cracker dust; drop into boiling lard and fry brown.

CHICKEN SALAD (TWC Jan 14 1880) - Cut the meat from two chickens or one if you want a small dish. Add an equal quantity of shred lettuce, after you have cut the chickens into narrow shreds two inches long. Mix in a bowl. Prepare a dressing thus: Beat the yolks of two eggs, salt lightly and beat in, a few drops at a time, four tablespoonfuls of oil; then, as gradually, three teaspoonfuls of hot vinegar and half a teaspoonful of best celery-essence. The mixture should be thick as cream; pour over the chicken, mix well and lightly; put into a salad dish and lay sections of two hard-boiled eggs on top, with a chain of sliced whites around the edge.

CHICKEN CREAM SOUP (TWC Apr 7 1880) - Boil an old fowl with an onion in four quarts of cold water until there remain but two quarts. Take it out and let it get cold. Cut off the whole of the breast and chop very fine. Mix with the pounded yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, and rub through a colander. Cool, skim and strain the soup into a soup-pot. Season; add the chicken and egg mixture; simmer ten minutes and pour into the tureen. Then add a small cup of boiling milk.

COOKING CHICKENS (TWC Sep 29 1880) - A new way of cooing chickens is to parboil them and then drop them into hot lard, a la doughuts, and fry a few minutes. This will serve to make variety in the bill of fare, but will not wholly take the place of the favorite method of browning in butter. Nice gravy may be made by adding milk and flour to the butter in which chickens have been fried.

CHICKEN MAYONNAISE (TWC Nov 17 1880) - Cut up some chickens and fry them nicely in butter. Let them get cold, then trim into good shape and put them in a covered dish with salt, pepper, oil and vinegar as for salad; add a few pieces of onion and a little parsley. Let them stand thus two or three hours. Then drain the pieces of chicken, place them on the lettuce in your salad dish, and spread a nice mayonnaise dressing over all.

WHITE STEW OF CHICKEN (TWC Dec 22 1880) - Peel two onions, a turnip, a scraped carrot in two quarts of boiling water, with six cloves, a dozen allspice, the same of whole white peppers, a leaf of mace, a pinch of cayenne pepper, a tablespoonful of salt, three bay leaves, the same of sage, and a sprig of thyme; let them boil for two hours. Then have your chickens (two weighing about seven pounds) neatly cut up, and stew for two hours steadily, but not letting it boil too fast. If the chickens are tough, given them an hour's longer cooking. Then take the pieces of chicken out on the dish it is to be served on, and keep it warm; strain the sauce, and put it back into the stew-pan; rub a tablespoonful of flour and butter smoothly together, add the yolks of two eggs and a tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley; stir gradually in a cup of boiling water, and pour the whole into the chicken sauce. Let it boil for five minutes, stirring continually to keep it from curdling; pour over the chicken and serve.

CHICKEN PIE (TWC Mon 29 1881) - To make a chicken pie first parboil the chicken; while it is cooking make crust with which to line a deep basin or small pan. When the chicken is tender put it into thepie, add the water in which it was boiled, season with butter, pepper and salt; scatter a little sifted flour over it; oysters when in their prime may be added. A good recipe for the crust is made in theis way: To one quart of flour take three tablespoonfuls of lard or butter, one cup of sweet milk, two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder, a little salt and enough water added to the milk to wet up the dough; bake about three-quarters of an hour, or until you are sure the crust is done; lay a paper over the top to prevent its browning too much.

LIVER HASH (TWC Aug 18 1880) - This has is delicate and appetizing, and nice as a change from the liver and bacon known to all cooks. Boil the liver until thoroughly tender--there must not be even a suspicion of hardness about it. Then mince it finely with a chopping-knife. Heat the mince very hot in a sauce or roux of butter and browned flour. The seasoning is pepper, salt and a dash of lemon, or a little piquant sauce, such as mushroom catsup.

MUTTON HARICOT (TWC Oct 12 1881) - Take a loin of mutton, cut it into small chops, season with ground pepper, allspice and salt; let it stand a night and then fry it. Have good gravy, well seasoned with flour, butter, catsup and pepper, if necessary. Boil turnips and carrots, cut them small, and add to the mutton, stewed in the gravy, with the yolks of hard-boiled eggs, and forcemeat balls. Some green pickles will be an improvement.

PIG'S FOOT CHEESE (TWC Mar 23 1881) - Boil the hocks and feet of equal quantity loose in a pot till the meat will fall freely from the bones; season well with pepper and salt; put into a pan while hot and press it. Cut in slices and serve with vinegar or Worcester sauce.

VEAL SAUSAGES (TWC Feb 2 1881) - Chop half a pound of lean veal and fat bacon very fine; add sage, salt, pepper and allspice to taste; beat well, roll into balls, flatten and fry them.

VEAL COLLOPS (TWC Nov 3 1880) - Cut veal from the leg or other lean parts into pieces the size of an oyster. Have a seasoning of pepper and salt; rub some over each piece; then dip in egg and cracker crumbs, and fry.

FRENCH BEEFSTEAK (TWC Oct 19 1881) - Cut the steak two thirds of an inch thick from a fillet of beef, dip into melted fresh butter, lay them on a heated gridiron and broil over hot coals. When nearly done sprinkle pepper and salt. Have ready some parsley, chopped fine and mixed with softened butter. Beat them together to a cream, and pour into the middle of the dish. Dip each steak into the butter, turning it over, and lay them all round on the platter. If you desire, squeeze a few drops of lemon over, and serve very hot.

HAM BALLS (TWC Oct 26 1881) - Take cold-boiled or baked ham, chop fine, add as many eggs as there are persons to eat, and a little flour beaten together and make into balls. Fry brown in hot butter or dripping.

SPICED BEEF (TWC Oct 26 1881) - Fry three or four slices of fat slice pork till turning brown. Lay on them a piece of beef, brown slightly on one side, turn and brown on the other. Cover with water, and simmer for six hours. Keep water enough in the pan to make a gravy when done. Half an hour before taking up add salt and pepper, a teaspoonful of whole cloves, same of allspice, a stick of cinnamon. When done, take out the meat and keep warm. Boil up the sauce with a little flour, and serve.

STEWED KIDNEYS (TWC Nov 2 1881) - Three kidneys cut lengthwise each into three pieces, wash and wipe dry. Put into a frying-pan three tablespoonfuls of butter, a teaspoonful of minced onion, pepper and salt and a cup of good gravy. When this is hot put in the kidneys and cook slowly twenty minutes. Add the juice of a small lemon and a pinch of the grated rind. Take up the kidneys and lay upon a hot dish with toast underneath. Thicken the gravy with brown flour, boil up and pour over all.

MEAT PIE (TWC Nov 16 1881) - Take mashed potatoes, seasoned with salt, butter and milk, and line a baking dish. Lay upon it slices of cold meat of any kind; add salt, pepper, catsup and butter, or any cold gravy; put in a layer of potatoes and another layer of meat in the same way until the dish is full; have a layer of potatoes on top. Bake it until it is thoroughly heated through.

ROAST TURKEY (TWC Dec 7 1881) - Rinse out the turkey well with soda and water, then with salt, and lastly with clear water. Stuff with a dressing made of bread crumbs wet up with butter and water, and season to your taste. Stuff the craw and tie up the neck. Fill the body and sew up the vent. Tie the legs to the lower part of the body, that they may not "sprawl" as the sinews shrink. Put into the dripping pan, pour a teacupful of boiling water over it, and roast, basting often, allowing about ten minutes for every pound. Be careful not to have your oven too hot, especially during the first half hour or so. The turkey would otherwise be dry and blackened on the outside, and raw within. Much of the perfection of roasting meats and poultry depends upon basting it faithfully. Boil the giblets tender in a little water. When the turkey is done set it where it will keep warm; skim the gravy left in the pan, add a little boiling water, thicken slightly with browned flour, boil up once and add the giblets, minced fine. Season to taste, give another boil, and send to table in a gravy boat.

A NICE WAY OF COOKING COLD MEATS (TWC Dec 21 1881) - Chop the meat fine; season with salt, pepper, onion or else tomato catsup. Fill a tin breadpan two-thirds full; cover it over with mashed potato, which has been salted and has milk in it; lay bits of butter over the top and set into a Dutch or stove oven for fifteen or twenty minutes.

KIDNEYS IN BATTER (TWC Jul 16 1882) – Make a thick batter, season with pepper and salt; cut the kidneys in thick slices, put some butter into a pan, and when the blue steam rises, put in the slices, which must be previously dipped in and covered with the batter; fry nicely, drain, and serve with fried parsley.


SAUCE PIQUANTE (TWC Jan 5 1881) - Chop fine one tablespoonful of pickles, half that quantity of onion, and parsley if it is available; put these ingredients over the fire in sufficient vinegar to cover them, and let it boil nearly away; then add a saltspoonful of salt, quarter of that quantity of pepper and half a pint of cold gravy, or of the pot liquor in which the beef was boiled; boil it once and use it hot.

TOMATO CATSUP (TWJ Sep 4 1863) - Select well-ripened and smooth tomatoes; boil with a very little water until tender; remove the skin, and rub the contents through a fine sieve to separate the seeds. To each of bushel of the fruit add 2 quarts cider vinegar; 2 lbs salt; 1-4 lb black and 2 oz Cayenne pepper; 3 grated nutmegs; 1-4 lb. allspice; 6 finely chopped onions, and 3 lbs brown sugar. Boil the whole for one hour, stirring the whole frequently, and strain again through the wire sieve. When cold, bottle and set away in a cool place. It is ready for immediate use, or it may be kept a year.

EGG SAUCE (TWC May 26 1880) - Boil two eggs ten minutes. Chop the whites, put them with the yolks, and chop together, but not very fine. Put in a quarter of a pound of nice butter, melted, and pour them into a boat.

BLACKBERRY SYRUP (TWJ Sep 4 1863) - To every quart of fruit add one pound of sugar and let it stand overnight. In the morning boil and skim for half an hour; then strain through a flannel bag; when cool, add half a pint of brandy to every quart of syrup; put in bottles and seal them well.

SNOW CREAM (TWC Mar 3 1880) - Beat the whites of four eggs to a stiff froth; add two tablespoonsful of powdered sugar, a tablespoonful of lemon flavoring and rose water; beat the whole together; then add a pint of thick cream. This is very nice for plain boiled rice.

ROSE SAUCE (TWC Aug 18 1880) - This is an excellent sauce for puddings, and one that looks very pretty. Peel and slice a fine large beet; boil it gently for twenty minutes in a pint and a half of water. Then add two pounds and a half of loaf sugar, the thin rind and strained juice of a lemon, and half a stick of vanilla. Boil quickly and skim constantly until the liquid becomes a rich, thick syrup, of a deep red color, then strain. When nearly cold stir in a gill of brandy, and when quite cold bottle and cork it closely. It will keep any length of time, if properly made.

EGG SAUCE (TWC Nov 9 1881) - Take the yolks of two eggs boiled hard; mash them with a tablespoonful of mustard, a little pepper and salt, three tablespoonfuls of vinegar and three of salad oil. A tablespoonful of catsup improves this for some. This sauce is very nice for boiled fish.

SAUCE FOR PUDDING (TWC Nov 23 1881) - Take one tablespoonful of flour, one of water, one of butter, and three of sugar. Rub well together, and pour in one cup of boiling water; set on the stove and let it boil; take off and stir in one egg, and a little flavoring extract.

CRANBERRY SAUCE (TWC Dec 7 1881) - Wash and pick over the cranberries; put on to cook in a tin or porcelain vessel, allowing a teacupful of water to each quart. Stew slowly, stirring often until they are as thick as marmalade. Take from the fire in little over one hour, if they have cooked steadily, sweeten plentifully with white sugar and strain through a coarse tarlatan or mosquito net into a mold wet with cold water. Do this the day before they are needed, and then turn out into a glass dish.

HORSE RADISH SAUCE (TWC Oct 12 1881) - Two teaspoonfuls of made mustard, two of white sugar, half a teaspoonful of salt and a gill of vinegar; mix and pour over grated horse radish. Excellent with beef.


SOUP (TWC Oct 27 1880) - Take of soup stock two quarts, break two eggs into some flour and knead it very stiff, roll out in thin sheets to the thickness of wrapping paper, spread on the table for one half hour, then place them on each other and roll up; with a sharp knife cut very fine strips from the end, shake them apart and add to your soup when hot, stirring all the time, boil ten minutes, season with pepper, salt and celery, or a little parsley.

CHICKEN BROTH (TWC Nov 10 1880) - Cut a chicken into small pieces; put it in two quarts of water with a little salt, and boil it two hours; a tablespoon of rice and an onion may be added if you wish. This will make one quart. The chicken should be skinned, and the fat taken out.

SCOTCH BROTH (TWC May 26 1880) - Put a teacupful of pearl barley into four quarts of cold water, let boil, add two onions, two turnips, two carrots cut in slices, and one carrot grated; boil slowly for three hours, and salt and pepper to taste before removing from fire.

JULIENNE SOUP (TWC Mar 16 1881) - To make this soup cut carrot, potato, turnip and celery roo into neat bits or pretty shapes and fry them thoroughly in butter, partly boiling them first if old and tough. Add them to some clear soup just before serving.

WHITE VEGETABLE SOUP (TWC Jan 14 1880) - Two carrots, two turnips, two onions, three heads of celery, three potatoes; add half a pint of split peas, boiled and rubbed through sieve; pass the vegetables through the sieve; add one quart of good white stock, and half a pint of cream or good milk; season to taste.

CREAM OF CELERY SOUP (TWC Mar 2 1881) - Take the white part of two large heads of celery, either grate it or chop it very fine, set it to boil in a quart of milk, in which put a cup of rice; allow the rice and celery to slowly stew until they can be rubbed through a coarse sieve, adding more milk if they get too thick, then add to them an equal quantity of strong veal or chicken broth, white pepper and salt to taste.

MILK SOUP (TWC Mar 9 1881) - Wash, pare, slice and parboil one pound of potatoes; pour away the water; skin and scald two onions, chop them; place the potatoes, onions, one teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of pepper in a stewpan, with one quart of cold water; bring to a boil and boil till quite soft (about a half hour), crush the potatoes and onions with a spoon till smooth, and one quart of new milk and one ounce of crushed sago; stir continually till it boils, then boil for ten minutes. This soup may be made richer by adding one ounce of butter or dripping to the quart of cold water; also by putting a yolk of an egg, well beaten, into the tureen, and mixing the cooked soup slowly with it. The soup must be off the boil or the egg will curdle.

GREEN PEA SOUP (TWC Sep 14 1881) - Take one pint and a half of green peas, boil them in salt and water with a little mint; when thoroughly cooked pound them and pass them through a hair sieve. Put a piece of butter into a stew pan; when melted put in an onion and a carrot cut in thin slices, fry until they begin to color; add a quart of stock, a little salt, pepper and a pinch of white sugar. Leave it to boil for a quarter of an hour, stir in the puree of peas, let it come to the boil, strain it and serve with small dice of bread fried in butter.

POTATO SOUP (TWC Jun 2 1880) - Boil thoroughly a half dozen potatoes, and mash thoroughly, mixing with it a quart of stock, seasoning with salt and pepper; boil it for five minutes, removing the scum; add to this a tumblerful of milk last, and serve after the soup has come again to the boil; must be perfectly smooth.

TOMATO SOUP (TWC Mar 30 1881) - Six tomatoes peeled and sliced; pour over them one quart of boiling water, half teaspoonful soda; when it stops foaming add one pint of sweet milk and season with butter, pepper, salt and a little rolled cracker. Serve as soon as it boils. Canned tomatoes can be used just as well. This is very delicate and nice for a person who is just getting able to eat after a fit of sickness.

MOCK BISQUE SOUP (TWC Jul 28 1880) - Stew a can of tomatoes and strain. Add a pinch of soda to remove acidity. In another saucepan boil three pints of milk thickened with a tablespoonful of corn starch previously mixed with a little cold milk. Add a lump of butter size of an egg; salt and pepper to taste. Mix with tomatoes; let all come to a boil and serve.

VERMICELLI SOUP (TWC Apr 13 1881) - Boil three pounds of veal for three hours in three quarts of water. Then strain and add to it a cupful of Vermicelli which as been previously boiled for twenty minutes in water. Add salt to taste and serve with a plate of grated Parmesan cheese.

SPRING SOUP (TWC Apr 20 1881) - Take some beef for soup, cut it up and brown it in a small piece of butter in a saucepan, sprinkle a tablespoonful of flour over it, stir it well round, and add warm water as required. Add peppercorns, salt, two or three cloves, and a little nutmeg. Let it simmer one hour. Break a cauliflower into pieces, and add the pieces to the soup; simmer again half an hour. Pass through a colander, saving the cauliflower for the soup. Take the yolks of two eggs, mix with a spoonful or so of flour, a dust of salt and nutmeg, and a small piece of fresh butter. Beat up well. Drop with the spoon into the boiling soup.

CORN SOUP (TWC Nov 23 1881) - Cut only the top of the kernels from the cob, scraping off all that remains. To a quart of this corn add two quarts of hot water. Boil for an hour; then pass through a colander. Into a stewpan put two spoonfuls of butter. When it melts stir in a large spoonful of flour. Stir in the corn, add a pint of hot milk and a cupful of cream. When it comes to a boil season with salt and pepper.

FRENCH VEGETABLE SOUP (TWC Nov 30 1881) - To a leg of lamb of moderate size take four quarts of water. Of carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage and turnips, take a teacup each, chopped fine; salt and pepper to taste. Let the lamb be boiled in this water. Let it cool; skim off all fat that rises to the top. The next day boil again, adding the chopped vegetables. Let it boil three hours the second day.

VERMICELLI SOUP (TWC Dec 28 1881) - Four pounds knuckle of veal, one fowl; two turnips; four small onions; four potatoes; a little parsley. Crack the bones of veal, joint the fowl, slice the vegetables and put all together over a slow fire in cold water sufficient to well cover them. Cook slowly five or six hours till the vegetables are a pulp and the meat is in shreds from the bones; then strain through a coarse sieve and set away to cool. When needed for use remove the fat from the top, add one-fourth pound of vermicelli, broken into bits, and boil fifteen or twenty minutes, until tender; season with salt and pepper and serve. This quantity of meat should make four quarts of stock, and if used in a small family one-half can be reserved, and macaroni or pearl barley used instead of vermicelli for variety.

BARLEY SOUP (TWC Jan 25 1882) - One pound of shin of beef, four ounces of pearl barley, one potato, salt and pepper to taste, one quart and a half of water. Put the ingredients into a saucepan and simmer gently for four hours. Strain, return the barley and serve. An onion added is an improvement. This is a good soup for invalids.

LENTIL SOUP (TWC Feb 1 1882) - Mix a tablespoonful of lentil flour and a teaspoonful of corn flour with a little milk till as thick as cream. Boil three-quarters of a pint of milk sweetened a little and flavored to taste; pour this slowly on the flour and milk, stirring meanwhile. Boil all together for ten minutes, still stirring. Add a whipped egg. This is a most nourishing albuminous food and a good substitute for beef tea.

TOMATO SOUP (TWC May 3 1882) – Pour a quart of boiling water over a pint of canned tomatoes. Let them boil for an hour or until they become soft. Strain and return to the fire. Stir in a teaspoonful of soda; this will make it effervesce, and while it is still foaming add a pint of boiling milk, a large piece of butter, pepper and salt. Thicken slightly with cracker dust and serve immediately.

TOMATO SOUP (TWC May 31 1882) –Take eight good-sized tomatoes or half a can of tomatoes—the solid portion. Cut them up, and put them to boil with two quarts of soup stock and a bouquet of herbs. When well cooked, thicken with a little flour smoothed and dissolved in a little cold water. Then strain all through a sieve, repeat a little, and add butter, salt and pepper to taste.

OX-TAIL SOUP (TWC Jul 26 1882) – Take two tails, wash and put into a kettle with about one gallon of cold water and a little salt. Skim off the broth. When the meat is well cooked, take out the bones and add a little onion, carrot and tomatoes. It is better made the day before using, so that the fat can be taken from the top. Add vegetables next day, and boil an hour and half longer.


SPRING BEAN SUCCOTASH (TWC Aug 11 1880) - Take two quarts of beans, string, cut fine; boil two hours with water enough to cover without boiling dry; cut the corn from six ears and boil with beans twenty minutes; season with butter, pepper and salt; just before dishing up add a tablespoonful of flour, moistened, also half a cup of sweet milk, and let it boil ten minutes. Those who have cream can use it instead of milk.

SALAD OF BEETS (TWC Jan 5 1881) - Boil in salted water equal quantities of both, and set them on ice to get cold. Just before serving cut them into thin but regular slices, dress with pepper, salt, oil and vinegar, and garnish with watercress.

BAKED BEETS (TWC Sep 29 1880) - Beets retain their sugary, delicate flavor much better by baking instead of boiling; turn often in the pan while in the oven, using a knife, as a fork will cause the juice to flow; when done remove the skin, slice and season with butter, pepper and salt, or if for pickle slice into good cold vinegar.

BOILING CABBAGE (TWC Feb 25 1880) - The reason that cabbage emits such a disagreeable smell when boiling is because the process dissolves the essential oil. The water should be changed when the cabbage is half boiled, and it will thus acquire a greater sweetness.

SPICED CABBAGE (TWC Jul 28 1880) - Cut a head of cabbage into small slices, put it into a two or three quart saucepan with a tablespoonful of butter, same of sugar, a gill of vinegar, half a dozen white cloves, a teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of pepper, and gently simmer all together until the cabbage is tender.

RAW CABBAGE (TWC Aug 25 1880) - A nice way to prepare raw cabbage is as follows: Select a fine good head; chop finely in a bowl what you think will be needed, and to every quart add one-half teacupful of thick, sweet cream; two tablespoonfuls of strong vinegar or lemon juice; one cupful of white sugar and mix thoroughly.

COOKED CABBAGE (TWC Sep 29 1880) - Cut fine as for raw; put into a kettle and add water to cook until tender; then add one-half cup of sweet cream; one half cup of vinegar, in which mix one tablespoonful of flour; season with pepper and salt to suit the taste; let it boil up and serve.

BAKED CABBAGE BALL (TWC Oct 13 1880) - Take a large, firm cabbage, boil whole in salt and water till tender enough to eat, but not to fall to pieces; then lay in cold water till ready for use, or until perfectly cold. Take the leaves from the stalk without breaking them, lay three or four together open on the table until you have a dozen piles. Fry an onion and chop fine with the remainder of the cabbage leaves; season lightly with salt and pepper, and mix in a pound of highly-seasoned sausage meat; make into balls and lay them on your cabbage leaves; roll the cabbage leaves around them and tie firmly with a soft string; lay them in a baking pan with half a pint of stock and gravy, and bake for twenty minutes in a moderately hot oven.

CARROT FRITTERS (TWC Feb 2 1881) - Beat two small boiled carrots to a pulp with a spoon, add three or four eggs and half a handful of flour; moisten with cream, milk or a little white wine and sweeten to taste; beat all well together, and fry them in boiling lard. When of a good color, take them off and serve, having squeezed over them the juice of an orange, and strewed them over with finely-sifted sugar.

CAULIFLOWER WITH SAUCE (TWC Sep 2 1881) - Boil a large cauliflower--tied in netting--in hot salted water, from twenty-five to thirty minutes; drain; serve in a deep dish with flower upward, and pour over it a cup of drawn butter in which has been stirred the juice of a lemon and a half teaspoonful of French mustard, mixed up well with the sauce.

CELERY FRITTERS (TWC May 4 1881) - Boil some thick but tender stalks of celery in salted water; when done dry them on a cloth, cut them in equal lengths about one and a half inches, dip them in batter, fry to a golden color, sprinkle find alt over, and serve.

CORN FRITTERS (TWC Sep 2 1881) - Two cups of grated corn, two eggs, one cup of milk; flour for thin batter, a pinch of soda, salt, one tablespoonful melted butter. Mix and fry as you would griddle cakes.

HOMINY FRITTERS (TWC Jun 9 1880) - Take hominy that has been well boiled (the large hominy is the best), mash it fine, and add to it three eggs, well beaten, one cup of flour, two tablespoons of milk and a little salt. Make it of the consistency of hominy batter, and fry in hot lard. These proportions need about a quart of hominy after it is boiled. A very nice breakfast dish.

HOMINY CROQUETTES (TWC Aug 11 1880) - To a cupful of cold, boiled hominy (small grained), add a tablespoonful of melted butter and stir hard, moistened by degrees with a cupful of rich milk, beating it to a soft paste. Put in a teaspoonful of sugar, and lastly a well-beaten egg. Roll into oval balls and dip into beaten egg, then in cracker crumbs, and fry in hot lard. Flour your hands before rolling them.

BAKED HOMINY GRITS (TWC May 18 1881) - One quart milk, one cupful hominy, two eggs, and a little salt; salt the milk and boil, then stir in hominy and boil for twenty minutes; set aside and fully cool; beat eggs to a stiff froth, and then beat them well and hard into the hominy; bake half an hour.

CORN WITH TOMATOES (TWC Aug 25 1880) - Cut the corn from the cob and put it with an equal quantity of tomatoes that have been sliced and peeled; stew these together for half an hour, then season to taste with salt and pepper and a little sugar; stir in a liberal piece of butter and simmer a few minutes longer.

GREEN CORN PUDDING (TWC Sep 28 1881) - Grate a dozen ears of corn; season with a teaspoonful of white pepper; add the yolks of four eggs, beating them well in; two tablespoonfuls of butter, warmed; a quantity of milk, and last, the whites of four eggs, well beaten. Bake in a moderate oven for an hour, covering with a piece of letter-brown paper if it browns too quickly.

FRIED CUCUMBERS (TWC Jul 28 1880) - Pare, cut into lengthwise slices not more than a quarter of an inch thick, and lay half an hour in ice water. Wipe each piece dry, sprinkle with pepper and salt and dredge with flour. Fry to a light brown in butter. Lay on white paper and serve hot.

FRIED EGG PLANT (TWC Oct 12 1881) - Select the large purple kind and one which feels firm; cut it crosswise into rather thick slices, pare the skin off and place them to soak for half an hour in strong salt and water; wipe each slice dry, then dip it in well beaten egg and cracker rolled fine. Fry in hot lard until of a nice crisp brown.

BAKED ONIONS (TWC Jan 5 1881) - Peel ten large onions without breaking the layers; boil them for half an hour in well-salted boiling water, and drain them; when cool enough to handle cut a half-inch slice from the top of each, and take out a teaspoonful of the middle part; chop these pieces fine, mix them with half a cupful of stale bread crumbs, a saltspoonful of salt, quarter of that quantity of pepper and the yolk of a raw egg; use this forcemeat to stuff the onions, lay them on a baking dish, brush them with the white of the egg beaten a little, dust them with fine bread crumbs and bake them slowly for forty minutes. Serve them hot.

FRENCH WAY OF COOKING PEAS (TWC Mon 29 1881) - Put your peas in a nice dish, where they will not turn black in cooking. Cut up fine one small head of lettuce; put in a few sprigs of parsley, tied up; salt and pepper; enough of water to cover the peas. Cook gently until tender, one and three-quarters of an hour, then drain off most of the water; dissolve one teaspoonful of flour in water and stir in; add one-half tablespoon of butter, one-half cup of sweet milk and one lump of sugar; cook about ten minutes; just before serving stir in one yolk of an egg, previously beaten with a little water. No. 2. Put some thin slices of bacon in a skillet and brown a little on both sides; then put in your peas, with one large onion cut in four, one head of lettuce and a few sprigs of parsley tied up, wate enough to coer them; salt and pepper (not much salt, as the bacon salts them); cook one hour. Ten minutes before serving sprinkle a little flour to thicken the gravy. Remove the bunch of lettuce and parsley.

BAKED POTATOES (TWC Mar 9 1881) - Raw potatoes pared and sliced very thin, put into a pudding dish and covered with milk, sprinkled with pepper and salt, and a tablespoonful of flour previously mixed smooth with a little milk, baked until nicely browned from thirty to fifty minutes. Those fond of onions can add a few slices.

NEW POTATOES A LA CRÈME (TWC Jan 5 1881) - Select some new potatoes all of the same size - almost as large as apricots. Boil them in salted water; drain them when dry, and pour over them a little drawn-butter sauce. These potatoes, when properly cooked and served very hot, are delicious.

BOILED POTATOES (TWC Mar 10 1880) - Potatoes are nicer when put at once in boiling water. After they have boiled fifteen minutes put in a tablespoonful of salt to twelve potatoes. When they are cooked, pour off the water and cover the kettle, not with a metallic cover on which the steam will form great drops of water, but with a towel which will absorb it, leaving the potatoes dry and mealy.

BROILED POTATOES (TWC Feb 2 1881) - Parboil large potatoes; peel and cut them into thick slices. Broil the slices on a gridiron, over a clear fire, until browned on both sides. Serve on a hot dish, with pepper, salt and butter.

POTATO PUFFS (TWC Mar 23 1881) - Two cups of cold mashed potatoes; stir into this one teaspoonful of melted butter, two well beaten eggs, and one cup of milk or cream. Pour into a deep dish, and bake in a quick oven.

POTATO PUFFS (TWC Mon Aug 29 1881) - Two cups of cold mashed potatoes, one cup of milk, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, two eggs beaten very light. Stir in the butter first, then the eggs; when smooth, add milk and a little salt; beat thoroughly, pour into a buttered dish and
bake in a quick oven until a nice brown.

POTATO PASTRY (TWC Mar 2 1881) - Chop cold beef fine. Season with pepper and drawn butter, adding parsley and pickled onions chopped fine. Pour this mixture into a greased bake-dish, cover with sliced hard-boiled eggs. Work a large cup of mashed potatoes soft with a cup of milk and two tablespoonfuls of butter. Add prepared flour until you can just roll it out, the softer the better. Roll into a thick sheet. Spread upon the surface of your mince, printing the edges, and bake in a moderate oven to a fine brown. This is an excellent dish for supper or Sunday night tea.

PUREE OF POTATOES (TWC Feb 4 1880) - Mash them and mix while quite hot with some fine white gravy drawn from veal, together with butter and cream. The puree should be rather thin and seasoned with salt and pepper.

POTATO BALLS (TWC Feb 4 1800) - Bake the potatoes, mash them very nicely, make them into balls, rub them over with the yolk of an egg, and put them in the oven or before the fire to brown. These balls may be varied by the introduction of a third portion of grated ham or tongue.

POTATO CAKES FOR BREAKFAST (TWC Apr 27 1881) - Save from dinner a soup-plate of mashed potatoes, add to it a half a saltspoonful of pepper, the same of nutmeg, a little salt and the yolk of an egg; form into small cakes, put in a buttered baking pan, brush the top with the white of an egg, and brown in a quick oven.

POTATO CROQUETTES (TWC Sep 7 1881) - Season cold mashed potatoes with pepper, salt and nutmeg. Beat to a cream with a teaspoon of melted butter to every cupfulof potatoes; bind with two or three well-beaten eggs, and add some minced parsley (if you like). Roll into oval balls, dip in beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs, and fry in hot lard or drippings. Pile in a pyramid upon a flat dish, and serve.

OLD POTATOES (TWC Feb 4 1880) - These can be made to look like young ones in this way: Wash some large ones and cut them into as many small slices as will fill a dish; boil them in two or three waters about three minutes each time, the water being put to them cold; then let them steam until tender; pour a white sauce over them. Potatoes prepared in this way have been mistaken for young ones.

POTATO LOAVES (TWC Feb 4 1880) - These are very nice when eaten with roast beef, and are made of mashed potatoes prepared without milk, by mixing them with a quantity of very finely-minced raw onions, powdered with pepper and salt, then beating up the whole with a little butter to bind it, and dividing it into small loaves of a conical form, and placing them under the meat to brown; that is, when it is so nearly done as to impart some of the gravy along with the fat.

BROWNED POTATOES (TWC Feb 4 1880) - While the meat is roasting, and an hour before it is served, boil the potatoes and take off their skins; flour them well, and put them under the meat, taking care to dry them from the drippings before they are sent to the table. Kidney potatoes are best dressed in this way. The flouring is very essential. They should always be boiled a little before being put into stews, as the first water in which they are cooked is thought to be of a poisonous quality. Potatoes when boiled, if old, should be peeled and put whole upon the gridiron until nicely browned.

POTATO CHIPS (TWC May 11 1881) - Peel a raw potato as apples are peeled, let the parings be as near as possible the same thickness, and let them be as long as possible; dry them thoroughly in a cloth, put them in the frying-basket and plunge it in boiling hot lard; when the chips are a golden color drain them well in front of the fire, sprinkle fine salt over them and serve with roast game.

POTATOES ROASTED UNDER MEAT (TWC Apr 7 1880) - Half boil large potatoes; drain the water, put them into an earthen dish or small tin pan, under meat roasting; baste them often with the drippings; turn them, to brown nicely on all sides; take them up in a separate dish.

FRIED POTATOES (TWC Feb 4 1880) - Raw potatoes, peel, cut in rings the thickness of a shilling, or cut into one continuous shaving; throw them into cold water until you have sufficient; drain on a cloth; fry quickly in plenty of hot fat, and with as little color as possible; dry them well from the grease, and sprinkle with salt. When nicely done, and piled up properly, they make a fine side dish, which is always eaten with great relish. Or cut a potato lengthwise the size and shape of the divisions of an orange, trim them neatly and fry them; they are an excellent garnish for meat. Cold potatoes may be cut in slices somewhat less than an inch thick, and fried in like manner. They can also be fried with onions, as an accompaniment to pork chops, sliced cod, red herrings, or with a rasher of bacon. Another nice way is to boil them and let them become cold, then cut them into rather thick slices. Put a lump of fresh butter into a stew-pan, add a little flour, about a teaspoonful for a moderate sized dish; when the flour has boiled a short time in the butter, add a cupful of water and a little cream; boil all together; then pout in the potatoes covered with chopped parsley, pepper and salt; stew them for a few minutes and then take them from the fire and send to the table.

POTATO FRITTERS (TWC Jul 28 1880) - Boil three large potatoes and rub them through a colander then add to them four well-beaten eggs, one teaspoonful of rich cream, a little lemon juice, a little nutmeg and some salt. Beat all very light, then drop from a spoon into hot lard and fry the same as doughnuts, and serve hot.

POTATO CROQUETTES (TWC Mon 29 1881) - Take six boiled potatoes, pass them through a sieve; add to them three tablespoonfuls of ham grated or minced finely, a little grated nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste, and some chopped parsley; work into this mixture the yolks of three or four eggs, then fashion it into the shape of balls, roll them in bread-crumbs, and fry in hot lard, and serve with fried parsley.

POTATO PUDDING (TWC Aug 18 1880) - Boil four large potatoes and pass them through a sieve; stir into them powdered loaf-sugar to taste, and the yolks of two or three eggs; add a few drops of essence of lemon, then the whites of the eggs whisked to a froth; mix quickly and well; pour into a plan mold buttered and breadcrumbed, and bake for twenty minutes in a quick oven.

POTATO PUDDING (TWC Oct 12 1881) - One pound of mealy potatoes; mash them in perfectly smooth, avoiding too heavy a pressure; mix while hot four ounces of butter, five ounces of sugar, six eggs, a little salt, and a liberal allowanceof grated lemon peel. Put in a buttered dish and bake in a moderate oven for forty minutes. It should be turned out and served with a layer of sifted sugar. When cold it eats like cake and may be served as such.

POTATO SALAD (TWC Mon 29 1881) - Take some cold boiled potatoes and slice very thin; add to them three hard-boiled eggs, also sliced thin; chop one small fresh onion. In a glass bowl or salad dish put a layer of potatoes, then a layer of eggs, and sprinkle over them a little chopped onion, salt and pepper. For dressing, take the yolk of a faw egg and stir into it half a teaspoonful of made mustard. Beat into it, drop by drop, three tablespoonfuls of sweet cream; add one tablespoonful of strong vinegar and the white of the egg beaten to a stiff froth. If needed for suppoer make at noontime. Flakes of cold boiled salmon, cod
or halibut, substituted for the eggs, or added with them, will improve the salad.

FRIED PUMPKIN (TWC Jan 5 1881) - Peel a small, tender pumpkin; cut it in slices half an inch thick and two inches square, sprinkle each piece with salt and let it stand in an earthen dish for an hour. Then wipe the slices, pepper them; roll them in flour and fry them brown in smoking hot fat enough to cover them; lay them on brown paper for a moment to free them from grease after they are done, and then serve them hot. Squash can be cooked in the same way.

SQUASH CAKES (TWC Sep 28 1881) - Boil the squash thoroughly in salted water, and, with masher, after the squash is strained, make as smooth as possible; half a pint of sifted flour, a pint of milk and two eggs, four tablespoonfuls of white sugar, and a teaspoonful of salt; mix these all together, having first beaten up the eggs; add to this last two cupfuls of the squash; if not thick enough add a little more squash, and beat it all up until it is smooth; half a teaspoonful of cream of tartar makes it lighter, but if the mixture is well fried, in small, thin cakes, it is light enough as it is. Eat with powdered sugar.

PRESERVED TOMATOES (TWC Aug 25 1880) - A pound of sugar to a pound of tomatoes. Take six pounds of each, the peel and juice of four lemons, and a quarter of a pound of ginger tied up in a bag. Boil very slowly for three hours.

STUFFED TOMATOES (TWC Nov 17 1880) - Take large smooth tomatoes, take out a little of the inside at the top and stuff with a forcemeat made thus: Fry some minced onions in butter and add some bread crumbs, some cold chicken chopped very fine, some chopped parsley and a little stock to moisten, and pepper and salt, mix well; take from the range, add raw yolk of egg, stuff the tomatoes, and bake them in the oven. Broil your chops nicely, butter them hot and arrange them around the platter with the stuffed tomatoes in the center.

STUFFED TOMATOES (TWC Sep 7 1881) - Take six large, well-shaped tomatoes; cut a slice off the stem end and take out all the pulp and juice, being careful not to break the tomatoes; then sprinkle them inside with a little salt and pepper; have a pound of cold cooked veal, beef or chicken, a slice of boiled ham or fried bacon, chop very fine, and add the pulp and juice of the tomatoes; chop fine and fry to a light brown, half an onion, and mix withthe meat a teacupful of fine bread crumbs, two eggs, a teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of white pepper, and a pinch of cayenne; fill the tomatoes with the force-meat, piling it quite high, and bake for an hour.

CORN FRITTERS (TWC Nov 16 1881) - One quart of grated corn, three eggs, the yolks and whites beaten separately, two crackers, salt and pepper. Beat thoroughly. Have ready in a skillet butter and beef drippings in equal proportions. It should be hot, but not burning. Drop the mixture by the teaspoonful into the hot fat and brown upon broth sides. Be very watchful least they burn. The whites of the egg should be beaten stiff and lightly in just before frying.

RAW CELERY (TWC Dec 7 1881) - Wash, trim and scrape the stalks, selecting those that are white and tender. Crisp by leaving in very cold water until they are wanted for the table. Arrange neatly in a celery glass.

PREPARING CARROTS (TWC Dec 21 1881) - Carrots prepared in this way make a good side dish or entree: Scrape and wash them; boil until they are tender, in as little water as will serve to keep them covered; put in a large pinch o salt; when the carrots can be easily pierced with a broom splint drain off the water and roll the carrots in flour; put a lump of butter in a saucepan and set on the stove; when hot put the carrots in and fry until brown; the carrots may be cut in two parts or cooked whole; turn them so that they will brown on all sides.

STEWED CARROTS (TWC Jan 25 1882) - Scrape and lay in cold water half an hour or more; boil whole three-quarters of an hour; drain, and cut into round slices a quarter of an inch thick; put on in a saucepan with a teacupful of broth--veal or beef or mutton--pepper and salt to taste, and stew gently half an hour; just before they are done add four tablespoonfuls cream or milk and a good lump of butter cut into bits and rolled in flour; boil up and serve. If you have not the broth use water, and put in a tablespoonful of butter, when the saucepan is set on the fire, in addition to the quantity I have specified.

AN APPETIZING DISH (TWC Feb 1 1882) - One of the most appetizing dishes that can be placed before a hungry family, and which may tempt the appetite of one who isn't hungry, is made in this way: Take one dozen ears of corn, grate it, stir in four eggs, one fourth of a cup of flour, a little salt, and fry in hot lard; if the corn is not milky, add a little milk or cream.

CELERY ON TOAST (TWC Feb 1 1882) - Trim the roots and cut to the same length (about six inches) three heads of celery, wash them carefully, tie them together with string, parboil them a few minutes and drain them. Put a layer of bacon in a saucepan, lay the celery on this, with an onion and a carrot sliced, a bunch of sweet herbs, pepper, salt, a blade of mace or a few cloves; fill up with just enough stock to cover the celery, and let it gently simmer till done. Take some of the liquor well freed from fat, thicken it with a little flour and butter; pour it on a dish. Have ready a number of slices of bread-cut to a uniform shape and fried in butter; arrange them on the sauce in a circle, disposing half a head of celery on each.

CAULIFLOWER AND TOMATOES (TWC May 31 1882) – Pick out all the green leaves from a cauliflower and cut off the stock close. Put it stalk upward into a saucepan full of boiling water, with salt and a piece of butter; let it boil (not too fast) till done. Take it up carefully and put it on a sieve to drain. Mix a pinch of flour and a piece of butter in a saucepan; add a bottle of tomato sauce and pepper and salt to taste. Mix well, and when the sauce is quite hot stir into it a yolk of egg beaten up with a little cold water, and strained. Pour the sauce on a dish and place the cauliflower in the middle.

SPINACH (TWC Jul 12 1882) – When washed and picked, place in a saucepan large enough to hold it, sprinkle with a little salt, and cover close. Shake well while on the fire. When done add a piece of butter and a tablespoonful of cream.

A GOOD SALAD (TWC Jul 19 1882) – An appetizing salad can be made of asparagus, and the dressing will help to make it enjoyed after one is tired of having it cooked in the usual way. To the country housewife this will seem an unlikely state of things for a long time to come. Make a dressing of hard boiled eggs, mustard, pepper, salt and vinegar, a bit of butter or a very little oil. Boil the asparagus until it is tender, drain it thoroughly or the water will spoil the flavor of the dressing, then pour the dressing over it, or you may put the dressing in a salad bowl, and allow each one to add to the asparagus to suit his own taste.

HOW TO COOK ASPARAGUS (TWC Jul 19 1882) – The Caterer says: The proper method is rarely followed. Asparagus of the stouter sort, always when of the “giant” variety, should be cut of exactly equal lengths, and boiled, standing upward, in a deep saucepan. Nearly two inches of the heads should be out of the water—the steam sufficing to cook them, as they form the tenderest part of the plant, while the hard, stalky part is rendered soft and succulent by the longer boiling which this plan permits. Instead of the orthodox twenty minutes allotted to average asparagus lying horizontally, which half-cooks the stalk and over-cooks the head, diminishing its flavor and consistence, a period of thirty or forty minutes, on the plan recommended, will render fully a third more of the stalk delicious, while the head will be cooked by the steam alone.

CALECANNON (TWC Jul 26 1882) – Make some good mashed potatoes in the usual way, to which add one-third of the quantity of finely chopped greens. Mix them together, season with pepper and salt and serve like mashed potatoes.


PIE CRUST (TWC Mar 30 1881) - Work lard and flour until you can squeeze it in your hand and it will hold together. Wet up with cold water; roll on your board and spread with butter or lard and roll it up in a roll. Cut off at the end what you need for a single crust and roll it out as carefully as possible and lay it on your pie for upper crust. If you wish it still richer, roll in butter and proceed as before.

PIE CRUST SHORTENED WITH BEANS (TWC Mon 29 1881) - Boil white beans until soft, rub through a sieve and mix as much into flour as can be done and preserve sufficient tenacity in the dough. Add a little salt. This crust is used at "water cures," and makes a far better pie crust than one would suppose who had never eaten it.

POTATO YEAST (TWE Oct 7 1879) - Pare, boil, and mash fine, twelve potatoes; stir into these one large cup of sugar, and one cup of boiling water: when cool, add one quart of boiling water, and a half a pint or less of yeast; keep it in a warm place about twelve hours when it will be ready for use. Shake it carefully before using. Always reserve a small quantity of old yeast for raising the new. Bread or cakes made with this yeast never need saleratus, and will rise very quickly. Housekeepers should adopt any new method that will dispense with the use of so unwholesome an article as saleratus.

FRENCH HONEY (TWC Jul 6 1881) - White sugar one pound, six eggs leaving out the whites of two, the juice of three or four lemons and the grated rind of two, quarter pound of butter; stir over a slow fire until about the consistency of honey.

APPLE JAM (TWC Nov 24 1880) - Peel and core the apples, cut in thin slices and put them in a preserving kettle with three-quarters of a pound of white sugar to every pound of fruit; add (tied up in a piece of muslin) a few cloves, a small piece of ginger and a thin rind of lemon; stir with a wooden spoon on a quick fire for half an hour

GRAPE JAM (TWC Sep 14 1881) - Boil ripe grapes to a soft pulp about one hour and a half and strain through a sieve; weigh them and to every pound of fruit allow three quarters of a pound of sugar; boil together twenty minutes, stir and strain.

GRAPE JELLY (TWC Nov 3 1880) - Grapes too coarse or acid for table use make good jelly. Have them firm, sound and ripe. Pick from stem, wash in cold water, drain, put in stone jar, place in pot of cold water, boil till skins are loose, remove skins and save all juice. Boil pulps once again, pour into flannel bag and squeeze through. Allow a pound of lump sugar to a pint of juice; mix, boil steadily, but not too quickly, until it will jelly when tried on a saucer. Put in small glasses which are first wet in cold water. Place over each a piece of paper; tie closely, and keep in a cool place.

APPLE JELLY (TWC Nov 24 1880) - Slice the apples, skins, cores and all; put them in a stone jar with a small quantity of water to keep them from sticking; then place the jar in water and let them remain boiling until perfectly soft; then strain, and to one pint of the liquor add three-quarters of a pound of loaf sugar; boil and clear with the whites of two or three eggs beaten to a froth. When it jellies pour into the glasses to cool and seal them.

ORANGE JELLY (TWC May 11 1881) - Cut bitter oranges into thin slices and take out the seeds. For each pound of fruit allow one pint of water. Put the fruit and water into a jar, which place in a pot of boiling water. As the water wastes in the pot fill it up. When the skins are tender drain through a jelly bag and to each pint of juice take one and a quarter pounds of sugar and boil for twenty minutes.

HOT SPICE (TWC Apr 27 1881) - Hot spice is the name given by a cook for a past generation for a delicious adjunct to gravies, steaks, chops and soups. Take three drachms each of ginger and black pepper and cinnamon, one of grated nutmeg, one of white pepper; pound these together, mix till well blended and then put it a perfectly clean, dry bottle for use

CHOW CHOW (TWC Sep 7 1881) - Two quarts of tomatoes, two white onions, half dozen green peppers, one dozen cucumbers, two heads of cabbage, all chopped fine; let this stand over night; sprinkle a teacup of salt in it. In the morning drain off the brine, and season with one tablespoonful of celery seed, one ounce of turmeric, half teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one cup of brown sugar, one ounce of cinnamon, one ounce of allspice, one ounce of black pepper, one-quarter ounce cloves, vinegar enough to cover, and boil two hours.

QUINCE JELLY (TWC Oct 19 1881) - Nice quince jelly can be made from the skins and seeds alone; be very careful not to sue any parings that are rotten or discolored and no cores that are not in good order; put them in your porcelain kettle, cover with water, and cook until very soft, drain through a flannel bag (without squeezing), boil the juice from twenty minutes to three-quarters of an hour; you cannot tell when it is boiled enough unless you cool a little of the juice; do not put the sugar in until the juice begins to be thick; skim off all the froth that rises, for on this depends the purity of the jelly.

HOW TO BOIL RICE (TWC Nov 30 1881) - Few cooks seem to know how to prepare this article of food properly, so a hint or two will not be out of place here. The rice must be carefully picked over, and then washed in cold water until it is free from all the loose starch which may adhere to it, or until the water looks clear. Then dry it. It can be put in a flour sieve for this purpose. In placing it over the fire, use three pints of water to a cup of rice and a teaspoonful of salt. The water must be boiling before the rice is added. Boil precisely twelve minutes, and then pour off the water. Then place the saucepan with the rice on the back part of the stove, where it will be kept warm without burning, for ten minutes longer with the cover partly removed. In this way it is not soggy, or too soft, and every grain is cooked separately by itself. After being cooked if left uncovered, it will soften and the grains will burst open in their delicate tenderness.

GOOD COFFEE (TWC Jul 12 1882) – Put a sufficient quantity of coffee in the pot and pour boiling water on it; stir and place it on the fire. As soon as four or five bubbles have risen take it off the fire and pour out a teacupful and return it; set it down for one minute, then pour gently over the top one teacupful of cold water; let it stand one minute longer and it is ready for use.

Recipes from the 1800's (2024)


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