Place of meeting of spouse vedic astrology (2024)

Astrology can help us in predicting the best-suited career options which one should select in future, which job will be the best for the person, marriage and a lot more. Marriage is one of the important decisions in one’s life. Many people seem to be curious about how their husband/wife will look like when they will get married, what are the circ*mstances in which they will meet, whether an individual will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage and a lot more questions. Astrology can provide you with the answers to all these questions by determining the location of different planets in your birth chart.

One such question which is very likely to come in the mind is the circ*mstances in which we will be meeting our husband/wife. Astrologers can provide us with the answer to this question by predicting the circ*mstances in which you will be meeting your spouse in the future by determining the location of the planets in your birth chart. If we wish to know the circ*mstances in which we will be meeting our future husband or wife, the two planets which play a major role in determining this are Venus and Jupiter. If you are a male, you need to look for where the Venus is located in your birth chart and if you are a female, then you need to look for the position of Jupiter in your birth chart. The house of Jupiter and Venus can help you to determine the circ*mstances in which you will be meeting your spouse.

Following points highlights the circ*mstances in which we will meet our spouse according to the location of Jupiter and Venus in different houses of the birth chart:

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the first house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife after you go out on a search for them.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the second house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife somewhere in the countryside or while managing your finances. You can also find your spouse while you are out shopping.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the third house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife while communicating in your early school life or during your routine journeys. It can also be through your siblings and neighbors.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the fourth House of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife through your homely life. It can be through any member of the family that you will meet your husband/wife, especially through the means of your mother.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the Fifth House of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife at the places of entertainment. It can be while you are out for a holiday or enjoying a sport etc.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the sixth house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife through everyday work or while practicing your hobbies.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the Seventh House of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife in a wedding or through the business partnerships.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the eighth house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife while you will be looking out for the other person’s money and other powers.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the ninth house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife while pursuing your higher education, during the long-distance travelling or while following your dreams or religion.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the tenth house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife in your way towards a career or through your father.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the eleventh house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife through the community gatherings, parties, friends or through your social life.

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the twelfth house of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife through the spiritual means of some in some quiet places. It can be in hospitals or in foreign lands as well.

The above-stated points help us to know that the circ*mstances in which we are most likely to meet our spouse depend on the location of the planet Jupiter and Venus in an individual’s birth chart, depending on the gender. It is the position of Jupiter for women and position of Venus for men which helps in determining the circ*mstances in which we are most likely to meet our spouse as per the position of these planets in an individual’s birth chart. Thus, astrology can help us in predicting the circ*mstances in which we will be meeting our spouse in the future by determining the position of Jupiter and Venus in an individual’s birth chart.

Place of meeting of spouse vedic astrology (2024)


Where will you meet your spouse in Vedic astrology? ›

Jupiter Venus in Fourth House:

If Venus for men and Jupiter for women is located in the fourth House of your birth chart, you are very likely to meet your husband/wife through your homely life. It can be through any member of the family that you will meet your husband/wife, especially through the means of your mother.

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If the ninth house / lord is strong and has some connection with Jupiter, then the person will stay loyal towards his/her spouse. However, any affliction to t he ninth house or its Lord by Rahu, Mars, or Saturn indicate chances of extra marital affairs.

How to see spouse appearance in astrology? ›

You can see the appearance of your spouse from 7th house, it's lord and planets occupying 7th house. For example, if 7th house falls in Libra and Venus is posited in it, then spouse will be good looking. Similarly, if Jupiter and Moon are in 7th, you can expect the same about your spouse as mentioned above.

What is the astrology placement for marriage? ›

Seventh house (Descendant): Your commitments, partnerships, marriage and significant others. The planets transiting this area of the chart are pivotal to the success of the marriage.

Where do most meet their spouse? ›

Most couples are meeting online

According to one study, nearly 50% of couples are meeting online these days through dating apps and websites. The next reported popular way to meet is through friends, followed by meeting at concerts and festivals or on social media.

When Jupiter is in the 4th house spouse meeting? ›

You will have great married life partners with happiness in their life. As per marriage astrology prediction in astrology, the 4th house gives you good and understanding partners, who will support you in every phase of life.

Which planet is responsible for extra marital affairs? ›

Planet Venus is responsible for extra-marital affair in a male's life whereas Mars is responsible for extra-marital affair in a female's life. In a horoscope, 7th house indicates extra-marital affair whereas 12th house denotes bed pleasure or sexual pleasure.

Which house indicates bed pleasure? ›

12 th house represents both spiritualism & bed pleasure. Now important questions is which planets is placed or aspecting 12th house & who is owner of that bhav. For example ketu placed in 12 th house show spiritualism but rahu/venus in 12 th house represents bed pleasure.

What is the karma of extra marital affairs? ›

It means if a person cheats on their spouse, they will get punished by some universe effects. This consequence may relate to someone else cheating on them, or they may experience a bad situation. It may take time, but cheaters' karma indicates that a cheater will eventually get the repercussions of their actions.

How to predict spouse Vedic astrology? ›

Several factors come into play in partner prediction astrology, including the ruling planet of the seventh house, the planets present in the seventh house, and the zodiac sign of the house. If the Sun is in the seventh house of marriage, according to Vedic astrology, the native is likely to have a dominant spouse.

Is the 7th lord in the 12th house a foreign spouse? ›

7th lord in the twelfth house

In general, if you have the 7th house lord in the 12th house the spouse would be of foreign origin or would be from a different cultural background. The chances of you settling in a foreign land after marriage are very high.

What is the complexion of the spouse in Vedic astrology? ›

Complexion of spouse in Kundli

The ascendant or lagna represents the physical body and its appearance. Its placement and aspects in the birth chart can provide clues about the spouse's complexion. For example, if the ascendant is in a fiery sign such as Aries or Leo, the spouse may have a ruddy or reddish complexion.

What is the luckiest placement in astrology? ›

It's ruled by Jupiter, which is regarded as the luckiest planet of all. Planets in Sagittarius, planets in Jupiter's house (the ninth house), the house where natal Jupiter resides, and the house with Sagittarius on the cusp are all considered lucky placements--unless there are other limiting factors.

Do I have second marriage in my horoscope? ›

The presence of dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) in the 7th, 8th, or 9th house can be a significant hint. Dual signs symbolize multiplicity, flexibility, and change, indicating the possibility of more than one marriage or partner in life.

Which planet is responsible for good married life? ›

The planets Venus and Jupiter are the karakas of marriage, and if they are in a good position in the horoscope, the person enjoys a happy married life. Their placement in the Kendra and trikona houses is considered lucky for a marriage.

How to see marriage in Vedic astrology? ›

The seventh house in Kundli is the house of marriage and spouse. A learned astrologer carefully analyzes it for spouse prediction by birth date. It helps to know the spouse's personal, professional, financial, and family background, moral conduct, and other characteristics.

How to find spouse name in Vedic astrology? ›

With the help of the 7th house, the lord of the 7th house, the depositor of the 7th lord and the nakshatra lord of the 7th house, we will be predicting the name of your spouse in astrology. Different nakshatras denoted different names. Therefore, according to these letters, the name of the future spouse is determined.

When Jupiter is in the 11th house spouse meeting? ›

11th house represents friends and jupiter in a woman's chart refers to a husband. So your spouse will love having freedom and will be best friends with you. you are likely to meet them through parties , friends , online.

Which is the house of spouse in astrology? ›

In Astrology, 7 th house denotes marriage. For studying effects of any Bhava, Bhava, its lord and karaka should be considered. First of all, it should be decided that which planet influences 7th house most. The influence may be by position, aspect or conjunction (PAC).


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