Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (2024)

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Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes

Sivaprasad Omanakuttan, Vikas Buchemmavari, Jonathan A. Gross, Ivan H. Deutsch, and Milad Marvian
PRX Quantum 5, 020355 – Published 7 June 2024
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We construct a fault-tolerant quantum error-correcting protocol based on a qubit encoded in a large spin qudit using a spin-cat code, analogous to the continuous-variable cat encoding. With this, we can correct the dominant error sources, namely processes that can be expressed as error operators that are linear or quadratic in the components of angular momentum. Such codes tailored to dominant error sources can exhibit superior thresholds and lower resource overheads when compared to those designed for unstructured noise models. A key component is the cnot gate that preserves the rank of spherical tensor operators. Categorizing the dominant errors as phase and amplitude errors, we demonstrate how phase errors, analogous to phase-flip errors for qubits, can be effectively corrected. Furthermore, we propose a measurement-free error-correction scheme to address amplitude errors without relying on syndrome measurements. Through an in-depth analysis of logical cnot gate errors, we establish that the fault-tolerant threshold for error correction in the spin-cat encoding surpasses that of standard qubit-based encodings. We consider a specific implementation based on neutral-atom quantum computing, with qudits encoded in the nuclear spin of 87Sr, and show how to generate the universal gate set, including the rank-preserving cnot gate, using quantum control and the Rydberg blockade. These findings pave the way for encoding a qubit in a large spin with the potential to achieve fault tolerance, high threshold, and reduced resource overhead in quantum information processing.

  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (1)
  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (2)
  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (3)
  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (4)
  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (5)
  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (6)
  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (7)

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  • Received 16 January 2024
  • Accepted 16 May 2024


Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (8)

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

  1. Research Areas

Quantum computationQuantum controlQuantum error correctionQuantum information theory

Quantum Information, Science & Technology

Authors & Affiliations

Sivaprasad Omanakuttan1,2,*, Vikas Buchemmavari1,2, Jonathan A. Gross3, Ivan H. Deutsch1,2,†, and Milad Marvian1,2,4,‡

  • *Corresponding author: somanakuttan@unm.edu
  • Corresponding author: ideutsch@unm.edu
  • Corresponding author: mmarvian@unm.edu

Popular Summary

Quantum computers can enable superior computational capabilities compared to their classical counterparts, yet susceptibility to noise impedes their full potential. Fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC) addresses this challenge by enabling reliable computation amid imperfect components. However, stringent requirements make FTQC challenging in practical settings. Recent advancements have shown that tailoring the fault-tolerant scheme to the specific noise sources present in physical platforms can significantly reduce the requirements of FTQC. This work introduces a versatile scheme for noise-tailored FTQC. It is shown that the proposed scheme significantly reduces the resource requirements, opening new possibilities for FTQC.

Traditional qubit-based computations isolate two well-defined levels, but many physical platforms, such as large spin systems, involve multiple levels. This work designs a FTQC protocol that takes advantage of these multiple levels by introducing spin-cat codes akin to continuous-variable systems. These codes correct dominant errors, including random Larmor precession and optical pumping, and allow the implementation of universal gate sets that preserve these dominant errors. One key ingredient is the ”rank-preserving” CNOT gate, which prevents the conversion of dominant errors into nondominant ones. Additionally, we present a measurement-free error-correction gadget for spin systems, enhancing implementation feasibility. We provide a detailed description of how this scheme can be implemented in a specific example of neutral-atom quantum computing, with qubits encoded in the large nuclear spin of 87Sr atoms.

This work opens new territory for FTQC and has the potential to be a great alternative to the standard qubit-based approaches.

Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (9)

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (14)

    Figure 1

    Qubit encoded in a spin using spin-cat states. (a) The Bloch sphere for the qubit encoded in a spin. The two spin-coherent states (stretched states) are the computational basis states, lying on the Z axis and the spin-cat states then lie along the X axis. The spin Wigner function of the states is shown and its strong negativity indicates that spin cats are highly nonclassical. (b) The spin-cat encoding of a qubit in spin J=9/2, d=2J+1=10 levels. The correctable errors divide the qudit into two subspaces, 0¯ and 1¯, shown as blue and purple boxes, respectively. One physical error channel is optical pumping, corresponding to the absorption of photons (blur arrows) followed by spontaneous emission (wavy red arrows), which can lead to amplitude damping.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (15)

    Figure 2

    Protocol for implementing a rank-preserving cnot gate in neutral atomic 87Sr based of optimal control and the Rydberg blockade. The spin-cat qubit is encoded in the nuclear spin, I=F=9/2, in the electric ground state, 5s21S0. (a) Detailed level diagram and protocol; (b) high-level schematic. When a gate is to be performed, the qudit is excited from the ground-state memory to the long-lived auxiliary metastable state, 5s5p3P2, F=9/2. Entangling interactions occur through excitation from the auxiliary state to the Rydberg state, 5s60s3S1, F=11/2. The error-correctable subspaces, 0¯ and 1¯, are represented by blue and purple colored boxes, respectively, in the ground (G), auxiliary (A), and Rydberg (R) manifolds. The gate is performed in four steps. Step I: using quantum optimal control, the population from the ground state is transferred to the auxiliary state while preserving coherence between magnetic sublevels. Each two-level resonance, |G,MF|A,MF, has a detuning ΔA,MF and Rabi frequency ΩA,MF. For the control atom, we promote only the population from the 1¯ subspace, whereas for the case of the target atom, we promote the population from both the 0¯ and 1¯ subspaces to the auxiliary state (see the main text for details). Step II: using π-polarized light, local addressing, and quantum control, transfer the population from the auxiliary to Rydberg states only for the control atom. Step III: apply the same pulse to the target atom. Due to the Rydberg blockade, this population transfer only occurs when the control atom is in 0¯ subspace; for the 1¯ subspace the population is otherwise blockaded. Step IV: using global rf-phase-modulated optimal control, we perform the SU(2) rotation X=exp(iπFx) in the auxiliary manifold and simultaneously the identity operator in the Rydberg manifold. The result is a cnot gate—if the control atom is in 1¯ subspace we apply an X gate to the target atom if the control atom is in 0¯ subspace we implement an identity operator 1. Finally, we will transfer all the states back to the ground state by reversing steps III–I, thus implementing a rank-preserving cnot gate for the spin-cat encoding.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (16)

    Figure 3

    Examples of control waveforms that achieve the transfer of populations between spin manifolds while preserving the coherence between magnetic sublevels. Based on Hamiltonian Eq.(30), we modulate the lasers’ amplitude, detuning, and phase, as piecewise constant functions of time. Using the GRAPE optimal control we find the target isometries. (a) The waveform that implements Vtar(C), which transfer population from 1¯G subspace to 1¯A subspace while the population in the 0¯G subspace is unchanged. (b) The waveform that implements Vtar(T), which transfer population from 1¯G subspace to 1¯A subspace and 0¯g subspace to 0¯A subspace. (c) The waveform that implements Vtar(Ryd) that transfers the population from the auxiliary states to the Rydberg states. For all these three cases we divide the time into 12 equal time steps.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (17)

    Figure 4

    Evolution of the spin vector F for the auxiliary (A) and Rydberg (R) manifolds resulting from rf-driven Larmor precession with time-varying phases. Optimal control is based on Hamiltonian Eq.(43) for the piece-wise constant phases and total time Ttot=2π/Ωrf. The blue and black dots correspond to the first and second steps, respectively (see text). An X=exp(iπFx) gate acts on the auxiliary manifold and transfers the population from 1¯A to 0¯A and vice versa. However, for the Rydberg manifold, the pulse sequence acts as an identity operator, and the population in the 0¯R and 1¯R subspaces remain unaffected.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (18)

    Figure 5

    Circuit diagram implementing MX. Consider an initial state α|+k+β|k, where 0k(2J1)/2. The action of the cnot gate for an ancilla state |+0|+ gives us the state, α|+k|++β|k|, thus to identify whether the state is in |+k or |k, we need to measure whether the ancilla is in |+0 or |0. One can achieve this using a destructive measurement [for more details see Eq.(47)].

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (19)

    Figure 6

    Circuit for error correction of a phase error for a qubit encoded in three spins. The error correction is achieved by measuring the syndromes {X1X2,X2X3} followed by Z=exp(iπJz) gate(s) according to the syndrome outcomes.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (20)

    Figure 7

    (a) General circuit for swapping the state of the two qubits in two different kitten subspaces. (b) The circuit that swaps the information between the data and ancilla, when the initial state of the ancilla state is |+0.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (21)

    Figure 8

    The error-corrected logical cnot gadget. The logical CNOT gate is implemented by applying a physical cnot gate between each qubit (encoded in the spin) of the control and target blocks transversely. Error-correction steps are performed before and after the logical cnot.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (22)

    Figure 9

    Imperfect amplitude error-correction gadget. There are two sources of imperfection one can associate with the amplitude error correction. The first one is a rotation error or optical pumping error occurring during the swapping approach to correct amplitude errors. The second one is due to imperfect preparation of the ancilla state, where ideally ρA=|+0, however, in a nonideal setting the ancilla can be in a mixture of |±i states where i={0,1,2,3,4}, due to optical pumping or rotation error during the state preparation. For an ideal amplitude error correction, the final state lives in the Π0=|++|0+|0|0, whereas for a nonideal setting, there is a small probability to be in the other manifold Πl. The figure shows when the final state is in the Πi where i={0,1,2,3,4}.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (23)

    Figure 10

    Logical error as a function of the physical level error (for details of the relation between phase error and amplitude error, see Appendix pp1) for the random rotation error for a different value of n. Also, the threshold one needs to achieve CSS encoding in the second layer of concatenation is given for reference. Figure (a) is for the case of pi=0 for i0 and figure (b) is for an imperfect ancilla state preparation with pi=104 for i0. We can see whether the swapping error ideal or nonideal does not affect much except for very low noise and this in turn is because the contribution of the amplitude error is very low for the random rotation error. The black circle shows the intersection of the logical error with y=x line for the optimal case shown here and the gray circle shows the intersection of the ϵCSS with the logical error for the optimal case. The simulation is shown for r1=7 and r2=1.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (24)

    Figure 11

    Logical error as a function of the physical level error (for details to the relation between phase error and amplitude error, see Appendix pp2) for the optical pumping error for different value of n. The targeted threshold for the CSS code in the second layer of concatenation is given for reference. Figure (a) is for the case of pi=0 for i0 and figure (b) is for an imperfect ancilla state preparation with pi=104 for i0. We can see a significant change in the behavior depending on whether the amplitude error correction is ideal or not specifically in the low noise regime. This in turn is due to the fact that for the case of optical pumping, as seen in Appendix pp2, there is a significant contribution to the logical error from the amplitude errors. The black circle shows the threshold value for the optimal value of n and the gray circle shows the intersection of the ϵCSS with the logical error for the optimal value of n. The simulation are shown for r1=7 and r2=1.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (25)

    Figure 12

    Logical amplitude error probabilities due to rotation errors. (a) The ratio of logical amplitude error to phase error is given as a function of phase error. The probability of logical errors falls as the overall error rate decreases. A logical error occurs when we have (2J1)/2 amplitude errors and thus as spin J, increases, the ratio decreases exponentially. However, for J=3/2, a single amplitude jump creates a logical error and thus the ratio of logical error to phase error is a constant equal to 1/2J. (b) The ratio of logical error probability due to amplitude errors to phase error for rotation error as a function of spin J. We can see that this ratio exhibits an exponential trend, and the logical error becomes negligible for sufficiently large values of J. Consequently, fewer rounds of amplitude error correction will be needed as J increases.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (26)

    Figure 13

    The error process corresponding to the photon scattering and optical pumping for encoding a qudit in an atomic spin F. The information is stored in the ground state and is controlled by laser light with Rabi frequency ΩL and detuning ΔL from an excited-state manifold, with spin F. Absorption of a laser photon (here π polarized) is followed by a spontaneous emission given by wavy lines. The process causes amplitude errors and can collapse a cat state to a single magnetic sublevel.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (27)

    Figure 14

    Evolutions of the spin vector F for the auxiliary (A) and Rydberg (R) manifolds resulting from rf-driven Larmor precession with time-varying phases in Eq.(43) for piecewise constant function with three time steps with a total time Ttot=3π/Ωrf and ω0=5Ωrf. For the specific choice of parameters, an X gate acts on the auxiliary manifold and transfers the population from 0¯A subspace to 1¯A subspace and vice versa. However, for the Rydberg manifold, the pulse sequence acts as an identity operator, and the population in the 0¯R and 1¯R subspaces remain unaffected.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (28)

    Figure 15

    The phase ϕ(t) generates an R=exp(iπJz) for the auxiliary manifold and an identity in the Rydberg manifold, which can be used to implement the rank-preserving CZ gate. The total time is ΩrfT=π, which is divided into ten equal time steps with ω0=3Ωrf and pulse sequence is found using the quantum optimal control algorithm GRAPE.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (29)

    Figure 16

    Circuit implementing a fault-tolerant Hadamard gate using the physical level gates for the spin-cat encoding. This differs from the standard implementation as we use both cnot and CZ gate to implement the action of the target unitary of interest.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (30)

    Figure 17

    Circuits implementing logical level gates in C1 using the physical-level gates. (a) Logical CNOTCNOTL. To implement CNOTL, we apply physical CNOT gates transversally on all qubit pairs. (b) Preparation of |0LP|0L. |0L is prepared by initializing the system with the state P|+L and measuring the parity. To measure the parity we use an ancilla initialized with P|0 and use physical cnot gates followed by measuring the MZ, the final state is |0L or |1L for the measurement outcomes 1 and 1, respectively. (c) The logical Z measurement MZL. An ancilla state is prepared in |+ and physical CZ gates with the data qubits are applied followed by measuring the ancilla in the X basis. (d) Logical X measurement MXL. The logical X is measured by applying the physical cnot gates and then measurement along X.

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  • Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (31)

    Figure 18

    Protocol for a rank-preserving Toffoli gate for spin-cat encoding using SU(2) operations. Similar to the rank-preserving cnot gate Fig.2, we implement the Toffoli gate in the ground state of 87Sr and the physical setting is the same as given in Fig.2. We consider a geometry of atoms such that the nearest neighbors are constrained by the Rydberg blockade, but the next-nearest neighbors are not constrained. In step I the population is promoted to the auxiliary manifold in the atoms. In the control atoms we promote only the population of the 0¯ subspace whereas for the target atom, the population from both the 0¯ and 1¯ subspaces are promoted to the auxiliary state. In step II, we transfer the population between the auxiliary and the Rydberg manifolds of the control atoms. In step III, we transfer the population from the auxiliary to the Rydberg manifold of the target atom. However, due to the Rydberg blockade, this population transfer only happens when both the control atoms are in 0¯ subspaces. If even one of the control atoms is in 1¯ subspace this transition is blockaded. Then similar to the rank-preserving cnot gate, in step IV we implement a X=exp(iπJx) gate in the auxiliary manifold and an identity operator in the Rydberg manifold. Finally, we will transfer all the states back to the ground state by acting steps III–I in reverse, thus implementing a rank-preserving Toffoli gate for the spin-cat encoding.

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Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Large Spin-Cat Codes (2024)


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