20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (2024)

From toast to crumpets, from porridge to pancakes, here are some of the best breakfast in bed ideas and recipes you can easily whip up at home.

Breakfast in bed whatever the occasion, be it a weekend treat or a special celebration, is the perfect excuse to indulge and make something you wouldn't usually eat or have time to make during busy weekday mornings.

According to a recent study commissioned by bakery brand St Pierre, 58% of a poll of 2,000 adults said that if any meal was acceptable in bed, it was breakfast with foods such as cereal, yogurt, and croissants on the 'allowed' list, alongside tea and coffee. St Pierre's spokesman commented; "While breakfast is one of the most popular meals to be enjoyed from the comfort of our mattresses, one in four have no preference on which meal they enjoy in bed."

"Breakfast in bed is a real luxury, a rarity in some households saved for only special occasions like Mother's Day, Father's Day, or a birthday perhaps," adds Food Editor, Jessica Dady. "If you've got kids, they can get involved in choosing what to make your loved one for breakfast - and help you prep it too. Or you could even treat the kids to breakfast in bed and make their favourite breakfast recipes or brunch ideas. Just remember to bring a napkin, or wet wipe or two for any unwanted mess - adults and children alike."

Best breakfast in bed ideas

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (1)

(Image credit: Joe Wicks)

1. Pancakes

Pancakes aren't just for Pancake Day you know. They can be a weekend treat too and are so simple to make - the trick is to make a big batch at a time. When you make a pancake, pop it on a plate, cover it in tin foil, and make the rest. Once you're happy with the amount you've made you can prepare the fillings. It's as simple as that!

To serve in bed: We'd recommend bringing a small choice of fillings to the bedroom so you can assemble the pancakes in the comfort of your own bed. Bring honey, jam, Nutella, or peanut butter, to the bedroom in their jars, (or you could be extra fancy and spoon them into little dishes and serve with teaspoons.)

Recipes to try:

  • Joe Wicks pancakes
  • Buckwheat pancakes
  • Classic pancake recipe
  • Blueberry Scotch pancakes

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (2)

2. Eggs

We just love eggs. Whether they're fried, boiled or poached, we think they're the perfect food for enjoying in bed. You can serve boiled eggs with toast soldiers, poached eggs on a bed of salad leaves or fried eggs with plenty of meat - there are so many options!

To serve in bed: Eggs can get cold pretty quick on the plate especially if you're waiting for other things to cook before serving them. We'd recommend heating your plates in the oven or microwave beforehand, this will keep them warm for a little while longer.

Recipes to try:

  • Poached egg and bacon
  • Soft boiled egg
  • Cheesy scrambled eggs

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (3)

(Image credit: Westend61/REX/Shutterstock)

3. Porridge

If you're trying to do breakfast in bed on a budget, porridge is a perfect choice. You can buy oats really cheaply in the supermarket and all you have to do is add some milk and heat. Serve with fresh berries, drizzle in honey, or mash in some bananas or apples for a special twist.

To serve in bed: Carry on a tray, or if you're lacking in the tray department, pop a tea towel underneath the bowl - porridge can be surprisingly hot when it's cooked so avoid any unwanted injuries by serving it on napkins in bed too.

Recipes to try:

  • Berry blast porridge
  • Banana porridge
  • Apple and cinnamon porridge

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (4)

4. Omlette

An omelette is a great way to start the day as eggs are full of protein, keeping you fuller for longer. Omelettes are also so quick to make (as James Martin has proven time and again) and are a great way of using up leftover veggies in your fridge too. Of course, that special someone doesn't have to know how easy it was to make though!

To serve in bed: Keep your omelette warm when serving in bed by covering it with another plate or a large bowl. You could even cover it with tin foil if you'd like.

Recipes to try:

  • Cheese and ham omelette
  • Salmon and asparagus omelette
  • Smoky cheese soufflé omelette

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (5)

(Image credit: TI Media Limited)

5. Croissant

Push the boat out and make some croissants. They're much easier to make than you may think and will be well and truly appreciated when it comes to snuggling back in bed and eating them. You can make them in advance and then warm a little on a low heat in the oven or microwave before serving. Don't forget the butter and jam!

To serve in bed: Croissants are rather messy so pop them on an extra-large plate so when you're eating these buttery treats in bed, you can avoid any unwanted crumbs making their way into your sheets.

Recipes to try:

  • Classic croissants
  • Mincemeat croissants
  • Almond and apricot croissants

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (6)

6. Cereal

If you've never made cereal from scratch before, now is the perfect time to try it. You can prepare your cereal in advance so all you have to do on the day is pour it into a bowl. Granola and muesli are a perfect choice and will score you brownie points as they're healthy too.

To serve in bed: Serve the milk in a little jug and the cereal in a bowl. That way, the cereal won't get soggy when you're preparing other treats and you're less likely to spill any milk on your journey to the bedroom.

Recipes to try:

  • Homemade banana chip granola
  • Mixed spice muesli
  • Honey and almond museli

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (7)

7. Fry-up

If you're going to have breakfast in bed you might as well go the whole hog and opt for a fry-up. Bacon, eggs, sausages, whatever you choose, a fry-up is a perfect treat for enjoying in the comfort of your own bed.

To serve in bed: Serve your fry-up on an extra large plate or even a bowl. This will stop any of those delicious beans or runny eggs from escaping off the plate.

Recipes to try:

  • Full English breakfast
  • Gordon Ramsay's healthy full English breakfast
  • English breakfast salad

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (8)

8. Fruit

Start your day off on a refreshing note by including some fresh fruit. Fruit salads are a perfect job for the kids if you're treating mum to breakfast in bed. They can peel satsumas, prepare kiwi and learn how to chop apples too, with your help of course.

To serve in bed: Keep in mind that fruits are usually packed with fresh juices so we'd recommend plenty of kitchen roll to serve. You could pop your fruit in bowls too, this will make sure no juice escape onto the bed covers.

Recipes to try:

  • Fizzy fruit salad
  • Tropical fruit salad
  • Fruit crepe

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (9)

9. Toast

Give your toast a new lease of life when serving in bed. You can turn your favourite slice of bread into French toast soaking it in an egg and milk mix or you can top your toast with a sweet homemade compote of fresh fruits and berries - the possibilities are endless!

To serve in bed: If you're serving an array of breakfasts in bed, make your toast last of all to make sure it's still warm and keeps its crunch. You can serve any toppings in a separate bowl with a serving spoon so you can help yourselves.

Recipes to try:

  • Cinnamon toast with raspberries (pictured)
  • Gypsy toast with rosy fruits
  • French toast with plum compote

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (10)

(Image credit: Food And Drink/REX/Shutterstock)

10. Bagels

Like we've said before, making breakfast in bed can be the perfect excuse to try something new and these classic bagels are definitely on our list. These bagels can be made for breakfast, served with scrambled egg, smoked salmon, bacon, and sausages or simply spread with some butter - the choice is yours. And if you've got leftovers, you can have them the next day for breakfast or lunch too - what a bonus!

To serve in bed: A basket of homemade bagels will make your breakfast in bed tray look extra special. Assemble some little plates, knives, and your chosen fillings in a few separate bowls and you're ready to go.

Recipes to try:

  • Classic bagels
  • Salmon and scrambled egg bagels
  • Eggy bagel with streaky bacon

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (11)

(Image credit: TI Media Limited)

11. Pastries

Treat your loved one to something sweet by making a batch of freshly prepared pastries. One of our favourite recipes is for Danish pastries - they're so easy to make and will make you feel as though you're in a fancy hotel having room service.

To serve in bed: Pastries are crumbly and will more than likely cover your bed in flakes of pastry so a large plate or bowl should do the trick when it comes to catching that unwanted mess. If your pastries are larger than life, add a couple of knives to the cutlery list so you can cut them in half and share.

Recipes to try:

  • Danish pastries
  • Cinnamon sugar palmiers
  • Caramelised peaches in puff pastry

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (12)

12. Muffins

Muffins are the perfect little treat to enjoy in the comfort of your own bedroom. You can make them in advance too which makes them a great choice for early mornings. The kids can help you make them a few days before too, if you're planning breakfast in bed for your other half.

To serve in bed: Serve your muffins on little side plates or you could pop them in a small basket or serving bowl and let your family help themselves. Don't forget the cuppa with these tasty treats.

Recipes to try:

  • Courgette and apple muffins
  • Blueberry muffins
  • Breakfast muffins

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (13)

(Image credit: TI Media Limited)

13. Crumpets

Homemade crumpets are another thing that are so much better made from scratch. Once you've tried them, you'll know exactly what we mean: soft, buttery and the perfect treat for enjoying in bed. All they need is a spreading of butter and jam and they're ready to serve.

To serve in bed: Serve each crumpet on a warm plate (you can heat your plates up in the microwave) with a napkin or piece of kitchen roll along with a variety of spreads so you and your partner can help yourselves. Crumpets tend to not produce that many crumbs so they're perfect if the kids are joining you in bed.

Recipes to try:

  • Classic crumpets
  • Eggy crumpets and maple bacon

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (14)

(Image credit: Future)

14. Smoked salmon

Smoked salmon is a posh treat that is perfect for enjoying in bed. You can buy smoked salmon in most supermarkets in the fish sections so you'll have no trouble finding it. Ideal served with scrambled egg or even sandwiched with some cream cheese in a bagel, smoked salmon is a posh treat that is easy to serve up quickly.

To serve in bed: Prepare your sides then add the smoked salmon at the last minute to avoid it cooking and omitting a fishy smell - not good for first thing in the morning!

Recipes to try:

  • Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon croissants (pictured)
  • Smoked salmon bagels
  • Smoked salmon and asparagus omelette

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (15)

15. Waffles

Waffles are one of the sweetest treats there is, and they don't just have to be for dessert either. If you're lucky enough to have a waffle maker you can make them from scratch but we won't judge if you opt for the packet version instead.

To serve in bed: Serve your waffles on extra-large plates to stop any unwanted mess and then pop your chosen topping into little bowls or small jugs so you can assemble them in bed. Make sure you have a few teaspoons to serve.

Recipes to try:

  • James Martin's bacon waffles (pictured)
  • Waffles with almond and cherry sauce

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (16)

16. Smoothies

Smoothies are an easy way to start - plus they're less messy than eating a fruit salad or a pastry in bed. You can whizz them up in just a few seconds and they're a great way for using up a mixture of fruits too.

To serve in bed: If you've made a lot of smoothie you can pop it into a jug and serve it on a tray with glasses and spoons for stirring. If you want to keep your smoothie cold and make it look a little bit fancy, pour it into a large bottle and pop it into a wine cooler or bucket with ice. You could even serve it with wine or champagne glasses and really push the boat out.

Recipes to try:

  • Strawberry smoothie
  • Banana smoothie
  • Pomegranate, raspberry and banana smoothie

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (17)

17. Cookies

A batch of cookies on average should take half an hour to make so you could easily sneak down to the kitchen whilst your other half is sleeping and make some. Or if you're super organised make some the day before - they can be your breakfast in bed dessert mmm... Cookies are the perfect treat for kids to make too, they could even write a special message to mum and dad on them too.

To serve in bed: Arrange your cookies on a large plate or chopping board to make them look rustic, and if they're still warm it'll stop them from sweating. If you want to make sure they stay warm whilst tucking into other breakfast in bed foods, cover them in a kitchen roll.

Recipes to try:

  • Chocolate oat cookies
  • Chocolate chip cookies
  • Peanut butter cookies
  • Weight Watchers blueberry cookies

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (18)

18. Yogurt

If you love yogurt, serve it in a tall glass to make it look extra fancy. You could layer oats or cereal and fresh fruits too. It'll make your yogurt look extra special when it comes to serving in bed.

To serve in bed: If you're preparing a breakfast in bed feast, leave the yogurt until the last minute so it's still cold and fresh from the fridge. Don't forget the spoons - it's best to make sure they fit into the glass before heading upstairs.

Recipes to try:

  • Yogurt almond berry breakfast
  • Toasted oat and yogurt layer

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (19)

(Image credit: TI Media Limited)

19. Bubble and squeak

Bubble and squeak is a great way of using up leftovers and it's the perfect dish for enjoying in bed. Combine your leftover veggies with egg and fry until crispy and serve with toast or bacon for a delicious finish.

To serve in bed: Serve on a large plate to stop any mess. However tasty bubble and squeak is, it can sometimes be a little smelly so crack open a window before bringing it into the bedroom.

Recipes to try:

  • Classic bubble and squeak
  • Baked bubble and squeak

20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (20)

20. Hot chocolate

Have you ever made hot chocolate from scratch before? Homemade hot chocolate is so much better than shop-bought powders and is sure to put a smile on your loved one's face when you bring it to them in bed - especially if it's topped with fresh cream. Well, we all deserve a treat every now and then, don't we?

To serve in bed: Serve your hot chocolate in a large cup on a saucer. Don't forget the spoon if you're serving cream. You could go one step further and put some sugar cubes into a little pot and bring up some cocoa powder for dusting on top.

Recipes to try:

  • Classic hot chocolate
  • Hazelnut hot chocolate

Things you will need when serving breakfast in bed

  • A tray: Big enough to balance food and drinks so you haven't got to go back and forth.
  • Cutlery: There's nothing worse than getting half way up the stairs and realising you've forgotten the cutlery. Make sure you've got this on your tray before you embark up the stairs.
  • Napkins or kitchen roll: These are a must if you want breakfast in bed to be a relaxing time without worrying all the crumbs you'll be sleeping on that evening.
  • Flowers: If you're making breakfast in bed for someone special, make them smile even more by popping a little bouquet or even a single flower into a small vase or jar on your tray.

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20 genius breakfast in bed ideas you'll want to try at home (2024)


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